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index.fc6f5c5c.js 444B

5 maanden geleden
  1. import{d as s,C as t,B as r,c as n,e as a,G as c,i as _,h as f,u}from"./index.98183dc5.js";import d from"./financialCode.fb9849a6.js";import"./unitManage.f781b324.js";const i=s({name:"sealConfiguration"}),x=Object.assign(i,{setup(m){const e=t(r.userStore).userInfo||{};return(p,l)=>{const o=n("el-card");return a(),c(o,{shadow:"never"},{default:_(()=>[f(d,{"org-code":u(e).empPosUnitCode},null,8,["org-code"])]),_:1})}}});export{x as default};