You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

role-manage-91cdffc1.js 422B

4 maanden geleden
  1. import{D as e}from"./index-90c78f99.js";const s=o=>e.get("/api/v1/role/list-new",o),a=o=>e.get("/api/v1/role/details",o),i=o=>"/api/v1/role/create",o),p=o=>"/api/v1/role/modify-new",o),r=o=>"/api/v1/role/remove",o),l=o=>"/api/v1/role/operate",o),n=o=>"/api/v1/role/binding-operate",o),c=o=>"/api/v1/role/modify",o);export{r as a,p as b,i as c,a as d,l as e,n as f,s as l,c as r};