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143 lines

  1. server:
  2. port: 33061
  3. servlet:
  4. context-path: /kq
  5. spring:
  6. mvc:
  7. pathmatch:
  8. matching-strategy: ant_path_matcher
  9. session:
  10. store-type: redis
  11. redis:
  12. namespace: "spring:session"
  13. timeout: 864000
  14. redis:
  15. timeout: 5000
  16. host:
  17. port: 26379
  18. database: 7
  19. password: Ndkj1234
  20. jedis:
  21. pool:
  22. max-active: 200
  23. max-idle: 500
  24. min-idle: 8
  25. max-wait: 10000
  26. application:
  27. name: kq
  28. jackson:
  29. default-property-inclusion: non_null
  30. time-zone: GMT+8
  31. date-format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
  32. jpa:
  33. properties:
  34. hibernate:
  35. default_schema: PUBLIC
  36. hbm2ddl:
  37. auto: update
  38. show_sql: true
  39. show-sql: true
  40. hibernate:
  41. ddl-auto: update
  42. datasource:
  43. type: com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource
  44. driver-class-name: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver
  45. url: ENC(gtE4OUrpgtFsh6B3aLiSp2sVSX1BYDET9Uii/wRP2RboRK0NDaYu1S7Vx30cHXFE7vecQzY1UbrSFW/BaWJvQ3XJxfDiaUxdrIDND5e+DMTjx1pUkfS8/RbXHQDE+QoOVZV1UKEtdq+khr32tlQXqkTnzmZGuZjctVmjdQxUnmI2YNpoeNlIAkDXiaCvcVYc)
  46. username: root
  47. password: Nd@20231116
  48. # 数据源
  49. hikari:
  50. # 是客户端等待连接池连接的最大毫秒数
  51. connection-timeout: 30000
  52. # 是允许连接在连接池中空闲的最长时间
  53. minimum-idle: 5
  54. # 配置最大池大小
  55. maximum-pool-size: 300
  56. # 是允许连接在连接池中空闲的最长时间(以毫秒为单位)
  57. idle-timeout: 60000
  58. # 池中连接关闭后的最长生命周期(以毫秒为单位)
  59. max-lifetime: 600000
  60. # 配置从池返回的连接的默认自动提交行为。默认值为true。
  61. auto-commit: true
  62. # 开启连接监测泄露
  63. leak-detection-threshold: 500000
  64. # 测试连接数据库
  65. connection-test-query: SELECT 1
  66. #设置上传 单个文件的大小
  67. servlet:
  68. multipart:
  69. max-file-size: 100MB
  70. max-request-size: 150MB
  71. mybatis-plus:
  72. configuration:
  73. log-impl: org.apache.ibatis.logging.stdout.StdOutImpl
  74. global-config:
  75. db-config:
  76. logic-delete-value: true
  77. logic-not-delete-value: false
  78. logic-delete-field: deleted
  79. logging:
  80. config: classpath:logback-spring.xml
  81. #日志配置
  82. level:
  83. root: info
  84. file:
  85. path: logs
  86. nd:
  87. cache:
  88. type: REDIS
  89. serializerType: ProtoStuff
  90. cacheNullVal: true
  91. def:
  92. keyPrefix: kq
  93. log:
  94. enabled: true
  95. type: DB
  96. # 文件存储
  97. file:
  98. storage-type: ALI_OSS
  99. ali:
  100. protocol: https://
  101. bucket: devplat
  102. urlPrefix: oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com
  103. endpoint: oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com
  104. accessKeyId: LTAI4GL7uypycnBjiRn55rMG
  105. accessKeySecret: qwYC7bW9bkStsko7qkLVnToAzj0Y98
  106. # 日志文件配置
  107. log:
  108. path: ./logs
  109. info:
  110. file-size: 50MB
  111. max-size: 5
  112. total-size: 200MB
  113. error:
  114. file-size: 10MB
  115. max-size: 5
  116. total-size: 50MB
  117. swagger:
  118. enabled: true
  119. hostname: iZut201mqskxt0mwme4tjfZ
  120. jasypt:
  121. encryptor:
  122. password: CodeSheep
  123. algorithm: PBEWithMD5AndDES
  124. # 指定initialization vector类型
  125. iv-generator-classname: org.jasypt.iv.NoIvGenerator
  126. sso:
  127. access-key: BCDSGA_c2494577610c90bdc33b95514601da2c
  128. secret-key: BCDSGS_80bf0a606c0d2fd3201bd06a4f008250
  129. app-id: 2002399646
  130. token:
  131. internet-url: https://ibcdsg.zj.gov.cn:8443/restapi/prod/IC33000020220329000007/uc/sso/access_token
  132. zww-url: https://bcdsg.zj.gov.cn:8443/restapi/prod/IC33000020220329000007/uc/sso/access_token
  133. user-info:
  134. internet-url: https://ibcdsg.zj.gov.cn:8443/restapi/prod/IC33000020220329000008/uc/sso/getUserInfo
  135. zww-url: https://bcdsg.zj.gov.cn:8443/restapi/prod/IC33000020220329000008/uc/sso/getUserInfo