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250 lines

  1. server:
  2. port: 8002
  3. servlet:
  4. context-path: /hzpm
  5. spring:
  6. mvc:
  7. pathmatch:
  8. matching-strategy: ant_path_matcher
  9. session:
  10. store-type: redis
  11. redis:
  12. namespace: "spring:session"
  13. timeout: 864000
  14. redis:
  15. timeout: 5000
  16. host:
  17. port: 26379
  18. database: 5
  19. password: Ndkj1234
  20. jedis:
  21. pool:
  22. max-active: 200
  23. max-idle: 500
  24. min-idle: 8
  25. max-wait: 10000
  26. application:
  27. name: hzpm
  28. jackson:
  29. default-property-inclusion: non_null
  30. time-zone: GMT+8
  31. date-format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
  32. jpa:
  33. properties:
  34. hibernate:
  35. default_schema: PUBLIC
  36. hbm2ddl:
  37. auto: update
  38. show_sql: true
  39. show-sql: true
  40. hibernate:
  41. ddl-auto: update
  42. datasource:
  43. type: com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource
  44. driverClassName: dm.jdbc.driver.DmDriver
  45. url: jdbc:dm://
  46. username: SYSDBA
  47. password: SYSDBA
  48. # 数据源
  49. hikari:
  50. # 是客户端等待连接池连接的最大毫秒数
  51. connection-timeout: 30000
  52. # 是允许连接在连接池中空闲的最长时间
  53. minimum-idle: 5
  54. # 配置最大池大小
  55. maximum-pool-size: 300
  56. # 是允许连接在连接池中空闲的最长时间(以毫秒为单位)
  57. idle-timeout: 60000
  58. # 池中连接关闭后的最长生命周期(以毫秒为单位)
  59. max-lifetime: 600000
  60. # 配置从池返回的连接的默认自动提交行为。默认值为true。
  61. auto-commit: true
  62. # 开启连接监测泄露
  63. leak-detection-threshold: 5000
  64. # 测试连接数据库
  65. connection-test-query: SELECT 1
  66. #设置上传 单个文件的大小
  67. servlet:
  68. multipart:
  69. max-file-size: 100MB
  70. max-request-size: 150MB
  71. mybatis-plus:
  72. configuration:
  73. log-impl: org.apache.ibatis.logging.stdout.StdOutImpl
  74. global-config:
  75. db-config:
  76. logic-delete-value: 1
  77. logic-not-delete-value: 0
  78. logging:
  79. config: classpath:logback-spring.xml
  80. #日志配置
  81. level:
  82. root: info
  83. file:
  84. path: logs
  85. nd:
  86. cache:
  87. type: REDIS
  88. serializerType: ProtoStuff
  89. cacheNullVal: true
  90. def:
  91. keyPrefix: hzpm
  92. log:
  93. enabled: true
  94. type: DB
  95. # 文件存储
  96. file:
  97. storage-type: ALI_OSS
  98. ali:
  99. protocol: https://
  100. bucket: devplat
  101. urlPrefix: oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com
  102. endpoint: oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com
  103. accessKeyId: LTAI4GL7uypycnBjiRn55rMG
  104. accessKeySecret: qwYC7bW9bkStsko7qkLVnToAzj0Y98
  105. rootPath: hzpm
  106. # 日志文件配置
  107. log:
  108. path: ./logs
  109. info:
  110. file-size: 50MB
  111. max-size: 5
  112. total-size: 200MB
  113. error:
  114. file-size: 10MB
  115. max-size: 5
  116. total-size: 50MB
  117. swagger:
  118. enabled: true
  119. flowable:
  120. async-executor-activate: true
  121. #关闭一些不需要的功能服务
  122. rest-api-enabled: false
  123. idm:
  124. enabled: false
  125. common:
  126. enabled: false
  127. dmn:
  128. enabled: false
  129. form:
  130. enabled: false
  131. app:
  132. enabled: false
  133. wflow:
  134. file:
  135. max-size: 20 #最大文件上传大小,MB
  136. sa-token:
  137. # token 名称 (同时也是cookie名称)
  138. token-name: wflowToken
  139. # token 有效期,单位s 默认30天, -1代表永不过期
  140. timeout: 172800
  141. # token 临时有效期 (指定时间内无操作就视为token过期) 单位: 秒
  142. activity-timeout: -1
  143. # 是否允许同一账号并发登录 (为true时允许一起登录, 为false时新登录挤掉旧登录)
  144. is-concurrent: true
  145. # 在多人登录同一账号时,是否共用一个token (为true时所有登录共用一个token, 为false时每次登录新建一个token)
  146. is-share: false
  147. # token风格
  148. token-style: uuid
  149. # 是否输出操作日志
  150. is-log: false
  151. #浙政钉公司顶级organizationCode
  152. organization:
  153. dept-visible-scopes:
  154. - GO_ff70e47bae684fdba0d64f4acab85661
  155. yxt:
  156. # wsdl-url:
  157. wsdl-url: classpath:/wsdl.xml
  158. #账号
  159. user-code: hzndkj
  160. #密码
  161. password: hzndkj@2021
  162. #音信通开关
  163. sms-enable: true
  164. tel-enable: true
  165. #省局联审 请求信息
  166. provincial:
  167. # host: http://zj.ningdatech.com/prometheus-zhejiang_foreign
  168. host:
  169. pushUrl: /api/v1/foreign/importantPro
  170. detailUrl: /api/v1/foreign/importantProView
  171. domainUrl: /api/v1/foreign/dominantUnit
  172. key: 7fb48b518c6044a5a44deddd11b445e3
  173. secret: ced8fff70018413c9516c58f95885624
  174. #天印服务器接口信息
  175. irs:
  176. is-search-app: false
  177. digital-resource-indicators:
  178. url: https://interface.zjzwfw.gov.cn/gateway/api/proxy/001003001029/dataSharing/99E2bic31KdXzaa7.htm
  179. interface-name: 99E2bic31KdXzaa7
  180. app-key: A331101453557202109017383
  181. app-secret: 496f0f2a19994f76b4fd9dae087366c7
  182. seal-platform:
  183. project-id: 330001110
  184. project-secret: 70e512d40c8f440484db4acab181570a
  185. access-key: 42bcb49bea174986a3bfdfba7d005566
  186. secret-key: bebff29877d4443abd67fc4f8fb335d8
  187. api-url: https://bcdsg.zj.gov.cn:8443/restapi/prod/IC33000020220309000004/seal-platform/seal/v1/rest/sign/signPdf
  188. app-report:
  189. url: https://bcdsg.zj.gov.cn:8443/restapi/prod/IC33000020230427000001/irs-res-bill/report/pdfUrl
  190. appScret: BCDSGS_4ab4235d26a9a357170a39f3a13fd68c
  191. appKey: BCDSGA_d874c8e46b541eb4e8aac6510fd3351b
  192. push-app:
  193. url: https://interface.zjzwfw.gov.cn/gateway/api/proxy/001003001029/dataSharing/94wbaL1I1Pbz0648.htm
  194. appScret: 496f0f2a19994f76b4fd9dae087366c7
  195. appKey: A331101453557202109017383
  196. search-app:
  197. url: https://interface.zjzwfw.gov.cn/gateway/api/001003001029/dataSharing/XS8daav3bcemZ3Ra.htm
  198. appScret: 496f0f2a19994f76b4fd9dae087366c7
  199. appKey: A331101453557202109017383
  200. province-gov:
  201. can-search: false
  202. url: https://interface.zjzwfw.gov.cn/gateway/api/proxy/001003001029/dataSharing/62vd5jAdM0b7Gr00.htm
  203. interfaceName: 62vd5jAdM0b7Gr00
  204. appSecret: 496f0f2a19994f76b4fd9dae087366c7
  205. appKey: A331101453557202109017383
  206. push-project-detail:
  207. url: https://interface.zjzwfw.gov.cn/gateway/api/proxy/001003001029/dataSharing/3XN9R93Pva6db7sf.htm
  208. interfaceName: 3XN9R93Pva6db7sf
  209. appSecret: 496f0f2a19994f76b4fd9dae087366c7
  210. appKey: A331101453557202109017383
  211. core-biz:
  212. url: https://interface.zjzwfw.gov.cn/gateway/api/001008012012001/dataSharing/Fc3re2cq7r64Qfa7.htm
  213. interfaceName: Fc3re2cq7r64Qfa7
  214. appSecret: 496f0f2a19994f76b4fd9dae087366c7
  215. appKey: A331101453557202109017383
  216. interface-refresh:
  217. method: POST
  218. request-token-url: http://interface.zjzwfw.gov.cn/gateway/app/refreshTokenByKey.htm
  219. refresh-token-url: http://interface.zjzwfw.gov.cn/gateway/app/refreshTokenBySec.htm
  220. interface-local-refresh:
  221. method: GET
  222. request-token-url: https://interface.ls.local/a/api/requestTokenKey?appKey={appKey}&requestTime={requestTime}&sign={sign}
  223. refresh-token-url: https://interface.ls.local/a/api/refreshTokenKey?appKey={appKey}&requestTime={requestTime}&sign={sign}
  224. hostname: iZbp13nwyvib53j4j1p2xoZ
  225. project:
  226. push-url:
  227. no-effective-url:
  228. delete-all-url:
  229. login:
  230. phone-verify-code:
  231. skip: true
  232. url: http://lspm.ningdatech.com/login
  233. web:
  234. url: http://lspm.ningdatech.com
  235. # 专家报名验证码校验
  236. expert-registration:
  237. verify-code:
  238. check: false