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nd_wlfow_org_models_historys.sql 1.2KB

преди 2 години
  1. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS nd_wflow_org_model_historys;
  2. CREATE TABLE nd_wflow_org_model_historys (
  3. id bigserial,
  4. process_def_id varchar(40),
  5. process_def_name varchar(255),
  6. deploy_id varchar(255),
  7. version int4 NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,
  8. org_code varchar(50),
  9. org_name varchar(255),
  10. settings text,
  11. group_id int8,
  12. form_items text,
  13. process text,
  14. remark varchar(125),
  15. sort int4 not null default 0,
  16. is_delete BOOL not null default false,
  17. is_stop BOOL not null default false,
  18. created timestamp,
  19. updated timestamp,
  20. type varchar(125),
  21. CONSTRAINT "nd_wflow_org_model_historys_pri" PRIMARY KEY ("id")
  22. );
  23. comment on column nd_wflow_org_models.process_def_id is '流程配置id';
  24. comment on column nd_wflow_org_models.process_def_name is '流程配置名字';
  25. comment on column nd_wflow_org_models.version is '版本号';
  26. comment on column nd_wflow_org_models.process is '流程内容';
  27. comment on column nd_wflow_org_models.remark is '备注';
  28. comment on column nd_wflow_org_models.type is '类型 DEFAULT默认 SEAL盖章 OTHER其它';