- #include <map>
- #include <memory>
- #include <string>
- #include "sockutil.h"
- #include "sys/atomic.h"
- #include "sys/thread.h"
- #include "sys/system.h"
- #include "sys/pollfd.h"
- #include "port/network.h"
- #include "port/ip-route.h"
- #include "sip-uac.h"
- #include "sip-uas.h"
- #include "sip-message.h"
- #include "sip-transport.h"
- #include "sip-timer.h"
- #include "port/ip-route.h"
- #include "http-parser.h"
- #include "http-header-auth.h"
- #include "rtp.h"
- #include "rtp-profile.h"
- #include "rtp-payload.h"
- #include "mov-format.h"
- #include "mpeg4-aac.h"
- #include "mpeg4-avc.h"
- #include "mpeg4-hevc.h"
- #include "stun-proto.h"
- #include "ice-agent.h"
- #include "stun-agent.h"
- #include "uri-parse.h"
- #include "cstringext.h"
- #include "base64.h"
- #include "time64.h"
- #include "sdp.h"
- #include "md5.h"
- #include "aio-timeout.h"
- #include <inttypes.h>
- #include <stdint.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <errno.h>
- #include "rtsp-media.h"
- #include "rtp-sender.h"
- #include "../test/ice-transport.h"
- #include "../test/media/mp4-file-reader.h"
- #define SIP_PWD "1234"
- #define SIP_HOST ""
- #define SIP_FROM "sip:1002@"
- #define SIP_PEER "sip:1001@"
- #define SIP_EXPIRED 60
- #define TURN_USR "test"
- #define TURN_PWD "123456"
- extern "C" void rtp_receiver_test(socket_t rtp[2], const char* peer, int peerport[2], int payload, const char* encoding);
- static int rtp_packet_send(void* param, const void *packet, int bytes, uint32_t timestamp, int flags);
- struct sip_uac_transport_address_t
- {
- socket_t udp;
- socket_t tcp;
- socklen_t addrlen;
- struct sockaddr_storage addr;
- };
- struct sip_uac_test2_t;
- struct sip_uac_test2_session_t : public VodFileSource::IListener
- {
- struct sip_uac_test2_t *ctx;
- char buffer[2 * 1024 * 1024];
- std::string user;
- std::string from;
- struct sip_uas_transaction_t* t;
- std::shared_ptr<struct sip_uac_transaction_t> tuac;
- struct ice_transport_t* avt;
- struct sip_uac_transport_address_t transport;
- struct rtsp_media_t medias[3]; // peer sdp media
- int nmedia;
- struct av_media_t
- {
- int stream; // stream index, base 0
- int connected;
- struct sip_uac_test2_session_t* s;
- char sdp[1204];
- struct rtsp_media_t* m;
- int fmt;
- enum AVPACKET_CODEC_ID codec;
- void* decoder;
- struct rtp_sender_t sender;
- time64_t clock;
- int track;
- FILE* fp;
- union
- {
- struct mpeg4_aac_t aac;
- struct mpeg4_avc_t avc;
- struct mpeg4_hevc_t hevc;
- } u;
- } audio, video;
- bool running;
- pthread_t th;
- std::shared_ptr<AVPacketQueue> pkts;
- std::shared_ptr<VodFileSource> source;
- virtual int OnPacket(struct avpacket_t* pkt) {
- return pkts->Push(pkt);
- }
- };
- struct sip_uac_test2_t
- {
- bool running;
- char usr[64];
- char local[65];
- socket_t udp;
- socket_t tcp;
- struct sip_agent_t* sip;
- struct sip_uac_transport_address_t transport; // for register
- struct http_header_www_authenticate_t auth;
- int nonce_count;
- char callid[64];
- int cseq;
- ThreadLocker locker;
- typedef std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<sip_uac_test2_session_t> > TSessions;
- TSessions sessions;
- };
- static int sip_uac_transport_via(void* transport, const char* destination, char protocol[16], char local[128], char dns[128])
- {
- int r;
- char ip[65];
- u_short port;
- struct uri_t* uri;
- struct sip_uac_transport_address_t *t = (struct sip_uac_transport_address_t *)transport;
- // rfc3263 4.1 Selecting a Transport Protocol
- // 1. If the URI specifies a transport protocol in the transport parameter,
- // that transport protocol SHOULD be used. Otherwise, if no transport
- // protocol is specified, but the TARGET(maddr) is a numeric IP address,
- // the client SHOULD use UDP for a SIP URI, and TCP for a SIPS URI.
- // 2. if no transport protocol is specified, and the TARGET is not numeric,
- // but an explicit port is provided, the client SHOULD use UDP for a SIP URI,
- // and TCP for a SIPS URI
- // 3. Otherwise, if no transport protocol or port is specified, and the target
- // is not a numeric IP address, the client SHOULD perform a NAPTR query for
- // the domain in the URI.
- // The client SHOULD try the first record. If an attempt should fail, based on
- // the definition of failure in Section 4.3, the next SHOULD be tried, and if
- // that should fail, the next SHOULD be tried, and so on.
- t->addrlen = sizeof(t->addr);
- memset(&t->addr, 0, sizeof(t->addr));
- strcpy(protocol, socket_invalid == t->tcp ? "UDP" : "TCP");
- uri = uri_parse(destination, strlen(destination));
- if (!uri)
- return -1; // invalid uri
- // rfc3263 4-Client Usage (p5)
- // once a SIP server has successfully been contacted (success is defined below),
- // all retransmissions of the SIP request and the ACK for non-2xx SIP responses
- // to INVITE MUST be sent to the same host.
- // Furthermore, a CANCEL for a particular SIP request MUST be sent to the same
- // SIP server that the SIP request was delivered to.
- // TODO: sips port
- r = socket_addr_from(&t->addr, &t->addrlen, uri->host, uri->port ? uri->port : SIP_PORT);
- if (0 == r)
- {
- socket_addr_to((struct sockaddr*)&t->addr, t->addrlen, ip, &port);
- socket_getname(socket_invalid == t->tcp ? t->udp : t->tcp, local, &port);
- r = ip_route_get(ip, local);
- if (0 == r)
- {
- dns[0] = 0;
- struct sockaddr_storage ss;
- socklen_t len = sizeof(ss);
- if (0 == socket_addr_from(&ss, &len, local, port))
- socket_addr_name((struct sockaddr*)&ss, len, dns, 128);
- if (SIP_PORT != port)
- snprintf(local + strlen(local), 128 - strlen(local), ":%hu", port);
- if (NULL == strchr(dns, '.'))
- snprintf(dns, 128, "%s", local); // don't have valid dns
- }
- }
- uri_free(uri);
- return r;
- }
- static int sip_uac_transport_send(void* transport, const void* data, size_t bytes)
- {
- struct sip_uac_transport_address_t *t = (struct sip_uac_transport_address_t *)transport;
- //char p1[1024];
- //char p2[1024];
- ((char*)data)[bytes] = 0;
- //printf("%s\n", (const char*)data);
- int r = socket_sendto(socket_invalid == t->tcp ? t->udp : t->tcp, data, bytes, 0, (struct sockaddr*)&t->addr, t->addrlen);
- return r == bytes ? 0 : -1;
- }
- static int sip_uas_transport_send(void* param, const struct cstring_t* /*protocol*/, const struct cstring_t* peer, const struct cstring_t* received, int rport, const void* data, int bytes)
- {
- struct sip_uac_test2_t *test = (struct sip_uac_test2_t *)param;
- std::shared_ptr<uri_t> uri(uri_parse(peer->p, peer->n), uri_free);
- if (!uri.get())
- return -1; // invalid uri
- socklen_t addrlen;
- struct sockaddr_storage addr;
- int r = socket_addr_from(&addr, &addrlen, cstrvalid(received) ? received->p : uri->host, rport > 0 ? rport : (uri->port ? uri->port : SIP_PORT));
- if (0 != r)
- return -1; // invalid
- //char p1[1024];
- //char p2[1024];
- ((char*)data)[bytes] = 0;
- //printf("%s\n\n", (const char*)data);
- r = socket_sendto(socket_invalid == test->tcp ? test->udp : test->tcp, data, bytes, 0, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, addrlen);
- return r == bytes ? 0 : -1;
- }
- static int sdp_media_negotiate(const struct rtsp_media_t* m)
- {
- int i, j;
- const int payloads[] = { RTP_PAYLOAD_PCMA, RTP_PAYLOAD_PCMU };
- const char* payloads2[] = { "H264", "H265", "MP4V-ES", "MP4A-LATM", "MPEG4-GENERIC", "opus" };
- assert(0 == strcasecmp("IP4", m->addrtype) || 0 == strcasecmp("IP6", m->addrtype));
- for (i = 0; i < m->avformat_count; i++)
- {
- if(m->avformats[i].fmt < RTP_PAYLOAD_DYNAMIC)
- {
- //for(j = 0; j < sizeof(payloads)/sizeof(payloads[0]); j++)
- //{
- // if(payloads[j] == m->avformats[i].fmt)
- // return i;
- //}
- }
- else
- {
- for(j = 0; j < sizeof(payloads2)/sizeof(payloads2[0]); j++)
- {
- if(0 == strcmp(m->avformats[i].encoding, payloads2[j]))
- return i;
- }
- }
- }
- return -1;
- }
- //static uint8_t sdp_media_find(const struct rtsp_media_t* medias, int count, const char* media, uint8_t payload, const char* encoding)
- //{
- // int i, j;
- // const struct rtsp_media_t* m;
- // for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
- // {
- // m = medias + i;
- // if(0 != strcmp(m->media, media))
- // continue;
- //
- // if (payload < RTP_PAYLOAD_DYNAMIC)
- // {
- // for (j = 0; j < m->avformat_count; j++)
- // {
- // if (payload == m->avformats[j].fmt)
- // return payload;
- // }
- // }
- // else
- // {
- // for (j = 0; j < m->avformat_count; j++)
- // {
- // if (0 == strcmp(m->avformats[j].encoding, encoding))
- // return m->avformats[j].fmt;
- // }
- // }
- // }
- // return payload; // invalid
- //}
- static void mp4_onvideo(void* param, uint32_t track, uint8_t object, int width, int height, const void* extra, size_t bytes)
- {
- sip_uac_test2_session_t* s = (sip_uac_test2_session_t*)param;
- s->video.track = track;
- s->video.fp = fopen("sipvideo.h264", "wb");
- s->video.s = s;
- s->video.sender.onpacket = rtp_packet_send;
- s->video.sender.param = &s->video;
- char ip[SOCKET_ADDRLEN];
- u_short port;
- struct sockaddr_storage addr[2];
- assert(0 == ice_transport_getaddr(s->avt, s->video.stream, 1, &addr[0]));
- assert(0 == ice_transport_getaddr(s->avt, s->video.stream, 2, &addr[1]));
- socket_addr_to((struct sockaddr*)&addr[0], socket_addr_len((struct sockaddr*)&addr[0]), ip, &port);
- if (MOV_OBJECT_H264 == object)
- {
- s->video.codec = AVCODEC_VIDEO_H264;
- mpeg4_avc_decoder_configuration_record_load((const uint8_t*)extra, bytes, &s->video.u.avc);
- rtp_sender_init_video(&s->video.sender, "RTP/AVP", port, RTP_PAYLOAD_H264, "H264", 90000, extra, bytes);
- }
- else if (MOV_OBJECT_HEVC == object)
- {
- s->video.codec = AVCODEC_VIDEO_H265;
- mpeg4_hevc_decoder_configuration_record_load((const uint8_t*)extra, bytes, &s->video.u.hevc);
- rtp_sender_init_video(&s->video.sender, "RTP/AVP", port, RTP_PAYLOAD_H265, "H265", 90000, extra, bytes);
- }
- else if (MOV_OBJECT_MP4V == object)
- {
- s->video.codec = AVCODEC_VIDEO_MPEG4;
- rtp_sender_init_video(&s->video.sender, "RTP/AVP", port, RTP_PAYLOAD_MP4V, "MP4V-ES", 90000, extra, bytes);
- }
- else
- {
- assert(0);
- return;
- }
- int n = snprintf(s->video.sdp, sizeof(s->video.sdp), "%s", (char*)s->video.sender.buffer);
- n += ice_transport_getsdp(s->avt, s->video.stream, (char*)s->video.sender.buffer + n, sizeof(s->video.sender.buffer) - n);
- }
- static void mp4_onaudio(void* param, uint32_t track, uint8_t object, int channel_count, int bit_per_sample, int sample_rate, const void* extra, size_t bytes)
- {
- sip_uac_test2_session_t* s = (sip_uac_test2_session_t*)param;
- s->audio.track = track;
- s->audio.fp = fopen("sipaudio.pcm", "wb");
- s->audio.s = s;
- s->audio.sender.onpacket = rtp_packet_send;
- s->audio.sender.param = &s->audio;
- char ip[SOCKET_ADDRLEN];
- u_short port;
- struct sockaddr_storage addr[2];
- assert(0 == ice_transport_getaddr(s->avt, s->audio.stream, 1, &addr[0]));
- assert(0 == ice_transport_getaddr(s->avt, s->audio.stream, 2, &addr[1]));
- socket_addr_to((struct sockaddr*)&addr[0], socket_addr_len((struct sockaddr*)&addr[0]), ip, &port);
- if (MOV_OBJECT_AAC == object || MOV_OBJECT_AAC_LOW == object)
- {
- s->audio.codec = AVCODEC_AUDIO_AAC;
- mpeg4_aac_audio_specific_config_load((const uint8_t*)extra, bytes, &s->audio.u.aac);
- rtp_sender_init_audio(&s->audio.sender, "RTP/AVP", port, RTP_PAYLOAD_LATM, "MP4A-LATM", sample_rate, channel_count, extra, bytes);
- }
- else if (MOV_OBJECT_OPUS == object)
- {
- s->audio.codec = AVCODEC_AUDIO_OPUS;
- rtp_sender_init_audio(&s->audio.sender, "RTP/AVP", port, RTP_PAYLOAD_OPUS, "opus", sample_rate, channel_count, extra, bytes);
- }
- else if (MOV_OBJECT_G711u == object)
- {
- s->audio.codec = AVCODEC_AUDIO_PCM;
- rtp_sender_init_audio(&s->audio.sender, "RTP/AVP", port, RTP_PAYLOAD_PCMU, "", sample_rate, channel_count, extra, bytes);
- }
- else if (MOV_OBJECT_G711a == object)
- {
- s->audio.codec = AVCODEC_AUDIO_PCM;
- rtp_sender_init_audio(&s->audio.sender, "RTP/AVP", port, RTP_PAYLOAD_PCMA, "", sample_rate, channel_count, extra, bytes);
- }
- else
- {
- assert(0);
- return;
- }
- int n = snprintf(s->audio.sdp, sizeof(s->audio.sdp), "%s", (char*)s->audio.sender.buffer);
- n += ice_transport_getsdp(s->avt, s->audio.stream, (char*)s->audio.sender.buffer + n, sizeof(s->audio.sender.buffer) - n);
- }
- static void ice_transport_onconnected(void* param, uint64_t flags, uint64_t mask)
- {
- struct sip_uac_test2_session_t* s = (struct sip_uac_test2_session_t*)param;
- for (int stream = 0; stream < 2; stream++)
- {
- sip_uac_test2_session_t::av_media_t* av = s->video.stream == stream ? &s->video : &s->audio;
- av->connected = (flags & ((int64_t)1 << stream)) ? 1 : 0;
- //for (int component = 0; component < 2; component++)
- //{
- // assert(0 == ice_transport_get_candidate(s->ice, av->stream, component + 1, &av->local[component]));
- //}
- }
- printf("ice_transport_onconnected 0x%x\n", (unsigned int)flags);
- s->source->Play();
- // TODO: reinvite
- }
- static void ice_transport_onbind(void* param, int code)
- {
- const char* pattern = "v=0\n"
- "o=%s 0 0 IN IP4 %s\n"
- "s=Talk\n"
- "c=IN IP4 %s\n"
- "t=0 0\n"
- "%s%s"; // audio/video
- char reply[4*1024];
- struct sip_uac_test2_session_t* s = (struct sip_uac_test2_session_t*)param;
- if (0 == code)
- {
- std::shared_ptr<MP4FileReader> reader(new MP4FileReader("e:\\video\\mp4\\name.opus.mp4"));
- struct mov_reader_trackinfo_t info = { mp4_onvideo, mp4_onaudio };
- reader->GetInfo(&info, s);
- std::shared_ptr<sip_uac_test2_session_t> listener(s); // fixme: s->addref()
- std::shared_ptr<VodFileSource> source(new VodFileSource(reader, listener));
- s->source = source;
- // default connect address
- u_short port;
- char host[SOCKET_ADDRLEN];
- struct sockaddr_storage addr;
- ice_transport_getaddr(s->avt, 0, 1, &addr);
- socket_addr_to((struct sockaddr*)&addr, socket_addr_len((struct sockaddr*)&addr), host, &port);
- // TODO: PRACK add 100rel/precondiation
- //sip_uac_add_header(s->tuac, "Supported", "100ref");
- //sip_uac_add_header(s->tuac, "Supported", "precondition");
- // TODO: add Recv-Info
- //sip_uac_add_header(s->tuac, "Recv-Info", "");
- // TODO: add Allow-Events
- //sip_uac_add_header(s->tuac, "Allow-Events", "");
- sip_uas_add_header(s->t, "Content-Type", "application/sdp");
- //sip_uas_add_header(s->t, "Contact", "sip:" SIP_USR "@" LOCAL_HOST);
- snprintf(reply, sizeof(reply), pattern, s->user.c_str(), host, host, s->audio.m ? (char*)s->audio.sender.buffer : "", s->video.m ? (char*)s->video.sender.buffer : "");
- assert(0 == sip_uas_reply(s->t, 200, reply, strlen(reply), s->ctx));
- ice_transport_connect(s->avt, s->medias, s->nmedia);
- }
- else
- {
- assert(0 == sip_uas_reply(s->t, 501, "Internal Server Error", 21, s->ctx));
- }
- }
- static void ice_transport_ondata(void* param, int stream, int component, const void* data, int bytes)
- {
- struct sip_uac_test2_session_t* s = (struct sip_uac_test2_session_t*)param;
- sip_uac_test2_session_t::av_media_t* av = s->audio.stream == stream ? &s->audio : &s->video;
- if (1 == component)
- {
- assert(rtp_payload_decode_input(av->decoder, data, bytes) >= 0);
- //assert(0 == rtp_onreceived(av->sender.rtp, data, bytes));
- }
- else
- {
- //assert(0 == rtp_onreceived_rtcp(av->decoder, data, bytes));
- }
- }
- static int rtp_packet_onrecv(void* param, const void *packet, int bytes, uint32_t timestamp, int flags)
- {
- sip_uac_test2_session_t::av_media_t* av = (sip_uac_test2_session_t::av_media_t*)param;
- return bytes == fwrite(packet, 1, bytes, av->fp) ? 0 : ferror(av->fp);
- }
- static int rtp_packet_send(void* param, const void *packet, int bytes, uint32_t timestamp, int flags)
- {
- sip_uac_test2_session_t::av_media_t* av = (sip_uac_test2_session_t::av_media_t*)param;
- return ice_transport_send(av->s->avt, av->stream, 1, packet, bytes);
- }
- static int rtcp_report(struct sip_uac_test2_session_t::av_media_t* av, time64_t clock)
- {
- int r;
- int interval = rtp_rtcp_interval(av->sender.rtp);
- if (av->clock + interval < clock)
- {
- r = rtp_rtcp_report(av->sender.rtp, av->sender.buffer, sizeof(av->sender.buffer));
- r = ice_transport_send(av->s->avt, av->stream, 2, av->sender.buffer, r);
- //printf("rtcp_report: %d\n", r);
- av->clock = clock;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- static int STDCALL sip_work_thread(void* param)
- {
- time64_t clock;
- struct sip_uac_test2_session_t* s = (struct sip_uac_test2_session_t*)param;
- while (s->running)
- {
- clock = time64_now();
- // RTCP report
- if (s->audio.sender.rtp && s->audio.connected)
- rtcp_report(&s->audio, clock);
- if (s->video.sender.rtp && s->video.connected)
- rtcp_report(&s->video, clock);
- for (std::shared_ptr<avpacket_t> pkt(s->pkts->FrontWait(0), avpacket_release); pkt.get(); pkt.reset(s->pkts->FrontWait(0), avpacket_release))
- {
- if (pkt->stream->stream == s->audio.track && s->audio.m)
- {
- uint32_t timestamp = s->audio.sender.timestamp + (uint32_t)(pkt->pts * (s->audio.sender.frequency / 1000) /*kHz*/);
- rtp_payload_encode_input(s->audio.sender.encoder, pkt->data, pkt->size, timestamp);
- //printf("send audio[%d] packet pts: %" PRId64 ", timestamp: %u\n", s->audio.sender.frequency, pkt->pts, timestamp);
- }
- else if (pkt->stream->stream == s->video.track && s->video.m)
- {
- int n = h264_mp4toannexb(&s->video.u.avc, pkt->data, pkt->size, s->buffer, sizeof(s->buffer));
- uint32_t timestamp = s->video.sender.timestamp + (uint32_t)(pkt->pts * (s->video.sender.frequency / 1000) /*kHz*/);
- rtp_payload_encode_input(s->video.sender.encoder, s->buffer, n, timestamp);
- //printf("send video[%d] packet pts: %" PRId64 ", timestamp: %u\n", s->video.sender.frequency, pkt->pts, timestamp);
- }
- else
- {
- //assert(0);
- // ignore
- }
- s->pkts->Pop();
- }
- }
- //size_t n = rtp_rtcp_bye(m->rtp, rtcp, sizeof(rtcp));
- s->source->Pause();
- return 0;
- }
- static int sip_uas_oninvite_indialog(sip_uac_test2_t* ctx, sip_uac_test2_session_t* s, const struct sip_message_t* req, struct sip_uas_transaction_t* t, struct sip_dialog_t* dialog, const void* data, int bytes, void** session)
- {
- const char* pattern = "v=0\n"
- "o=%s 0 0 IN IP4 %s\n"
- "s=Talk\n"
- "c=IN IP4 %s\n"
- "t=0 0\n"
- "%s%s"; // audio/video
- // default connect address
- u_short port;
- char host[SOCKET_ADDRLEN];
- struct sockaddr_storage addr;
- ice_transport_getaddr(s->avt, 0, 1, &addr);
- socket_addr_to((struct sockaddr*)&addr, socket_addr_len((struct sockaddr*)&addr), host, &port);
- char reply[4 * 1024];
- int n = snprintf(reply, sizeof(reply), pattern, s->user.c_str(), host, host, "", "");
- if (s->audio.m)
- {
- n += snprintf(reply + n, sizeof(reply) - n, "%s", s->audio.sdp);
- n += ice_transport_getsdp(s->avt, s->audio.stream, reply + n, sizeof(reply) - n);
- }
- if (s->video.m)
- {
- n += snprintf(reply + n, sizeof(reply) - n, "%s", s->video.sdp);
- n += ice_transport_getsdp(s->avt, s->video.stream, reply + n, sizeof(reply) - n);
- }
- *session = s;
- s->t = t;
- sip_uas_add_header(t, "Content-Type", "application/sdp");
- //sip_uas_add_header(s->t, "Contact", "sip:" SIP_USR "@" LOCAL_HOST);
- assert(0 == sip_uas_reply(t, 200, reply, strlen(reply), ctx));
- return 0;
- }
- static int sip_uas_oninvite(void* param, const struct sip_message_t* req, struct sip_uas_transaction_t* t, struct sip_dialog_t* dialog, const void* data, int bytes, void** session)
- {
- sip_uac_test2_t* ctx = (sip_uac_test2_t*)param;
- const cstring_t* h = sip_message_get_header_by_name(req, "Content-Type");
- if (0 != cstrcasecmp(h, "application/sdp"))
- {
- assert(0);
- return 0; // discard
- }
- std::shared_ptr<sip_uac_test2_session_t> s(new sip_uac_test2_session_t());
- s->from = std::string(req->from.uri.host.p, req->from.uri.host.n);
- {
- sip_uac_test2_t::TSessions::iterator it;
- AutoThreadLocker locker(ctx->locker);
- it = ctx->sessions.find(s->from);
- if (ctx->sessions.end() != it)
- {
- if(!dialog)
- return 0; // ignore
- // in dialog
- return sip_uas_oninvite_indialog(ctx, it->second.get(), req, t, dialog, data, bytes, session);
- }
- ctx->sessions.insert(std::make_pair(s->from, s));
- }
- struct ice_transport_handler_t handler = {
- ice_transport_ondata,
- ice_transport_onbind,
- ice_transport_onconnected,
- };
- s->pkts = std::shared_ptr<AVPacketQueue>(new AVPacketQueue(200));
- s->avt = ice_transport_create(0, &handler, s.get());
- memset(&s->audio, 0, sizeof(s->audio));
- memset(&s->video, 0, sizeof(s->video));
- s->user = ctx->usr;
- s->ctx = ctx;
- s->t = t;
- s->nmedia = rtsp_media_sdp((const char*)data, bytes, s->medias, sizeof(s->medias) / sizeof(s->medias[0]));
- for (int i = 0; i < s->nmedia; i++)
- {
- struct rtsp_media_t* m = s->medias + i;
- if (0 == strcmp("audio", m->media))
- {
- int j = sdp_media_negotiate(m);
- if(-1 == j)
- continue;
- struct rtp_payload_t handler;
- handler.alloc = NULL;
- handler.free = NULL;
- handler.packet = rtp_packet_onrecv;
- s->audio.decoder = rtp_payload_decode_create(m->avformats[j].fmt, m->avformats[j].encoding, &handler, &s->audio);
- if (NULL == s->audio.decoder)
- {
- assert(0);
- continue; // ignore
- }
- s->audio.m = m;
- s->audio.fmt = j;
- s->audio.stream = i;
- //socket_addr_from(&s->audio.remote[0], &addrlen, m->address, m->port[0]);
- //socket_addr_from(&s->audio.remote[1], &addrlen, m->address, m->port[1]);
- }
- else if (0 == strcmp("video", m->media))
- {
- int j = sdp_media_negotiate(m);
- if (-1 == j)
- continue;
- struct rtp_payload_t handler;
- handler.alloc = NULL;
- handler.free = NULL;
- handler.packet = rtp_packet_onrecv;
- s->video.decoder = rtp_payload_decode_create(m->avformats[j].fmt, m->avformats[j].encoding, &handler, &s->video);
- if (NULL == s->video.decoder)
- {
- assert(0);
- continue; // ignore
- }
- s->video.m = m;
- s->video.fmt = j;
- s->video.stream = i;
- //socket_addr_from(&s->video.remote[0], &addrlen, m->address, m->port[0]);
- //socket_addr_from(&s->video.remote[1], &addrlen, m->address, m->port[1]);
- }
- }
- struct sockaddr_storage stun;
- memset(&stun, 0, sizeof(stun));
- socket_addr_from_ipv4((struct sockaddr_in*)&stun, TURN_SERVER, STUN_PORT);
- ice_transport_bind(s->avt, s->nmedia, 2, TURN_SERVER ? (struct sockaddr*)&stun : NULL, 0, TURN_USR, TURN_PWD);
- // std::shared_ptr<AVPacketQueue> pkts(new AVPacketQueue(200));
- // std::shared_ptr<MP4FileReader> reader(new MP4FileReader("/Users/ireader/video/opus.mp4"));
- // struct mov_reader_trackinfo_t info = { mp4_onvideo, mp4_onaudio};
- // reader->GetInfo(&info, s.get());
- // std::shared_ptr<VodFileSource> source(new VodFileSource(reader, pkts));
- //
- // s->pkts = pkts;
- //s->source = source;
- *session = s.get();
- //sip_uas_add_header(t, "Content-Type", "application/sdp");
- //sip_uas_add_header(t, "Contact", "sip:" SIP_USR "@" LOCAL_HOST);
- // snprintf(reply, sizeof(reply), pattern, SIP_USR, LOCAL_HOST, LOCAL_HOST, s->audio.decoder?(char*)s->audio.sender.buffer:"", s->video.decoder?(char*)s->video.sender.buffer:"");
- //assert(0 == sip_uas_reply(t, 200, reply, strlen(reply)));
- s->running = true;
- thread_create(&s->th, sip_work_thread, s.get());
- return 0;
- }
- /// @param[in] code 0-ok, other-sip status code
- /// @return 0-ok, other-error
- static int sip_uas_onack(void* param, const struct sip_message_t* req, struct sip_uas_transaction_t* t, void* session, struct sip_dialog_t* dialog, int code, const void* data, int bytes)
- {
- struct sip_uac_test2_t* ctx = (struct sip_uac_test2_t*)param; assert(ctx);
- sip_uac_test2_session_t* s = (sip_uac_test2_session_t*)session; assert(s);
- printf("sip_uas_onack[%p]: %d\n", s, code);
- if (200 <= code && code < 300)
- {
- //if(s->source.get())
- // s->source->Play();
- }
- else
- {
- s->running = false;
- if (s->source.get())
- s->source->Pause();
- thread_destroy(s->th);
- AutoThreadLocker locker(ctx->locker);
- ctx->sessions.erase(s->from);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /// on terminating a session(dialog)
- static int sip_uas_onbye(void* param, const struct sip_message_t* req, struct sip_uas_transaction_t* t, void* session)
- {
- struct sip_uac_test2_t* ctx = (struct sip_uac_test2_t*)param;
- sip_uac_test2_session_t* p = (sip_uac_test2_session_t*)session;
- std::shared_ptr<sip_uac_test2_session_t> s;
- sip_uac_test2_t::TSessions::iterator it;
- {
- AutoThreadLocker locker(ctx->locker);
- it = ctx->sessions.find(p->from);
- if (it == ctx->sessions.end())
- return sip_uas_reply(t, 481, NULL, 0, param);
- s = it->second;
- ctx->sessions.erase(it);
- }
- s->running = false;
- s->source->Pause();
- thread_destroy(s->th);
- return sip_uas_reply(t, 200, NULL, 0, param);
- }
- /// cancel a transaction(should be an invite transaction)
- static int sip_uas_oncancel(void* param, const struct sip_message_t* req, struct sip_uas_transaction_t* t, void* session)
- {
- return sip_uas_reply(t, 200, NULL, 0, param);
- }
- /// @param[in] expires in seconds
- static int sip_uas_onregister(void* param, const struct sip_message_t* req, struct sip_uas_transaction_t* t, const char* user, const char* location, int expires)
- {
- return sip_uas_reply(t, 200, NULL, 0, param);
- }
- static int sip_uas_onmessage(void* param, const struct sip_message_t* req, struct sip_uas_transaction_t* t, void* session, const void* payload, int bytes)
- {
- return sip_uas_reply(t, 200, NULL, 0, param);
- }
- static void sip_uac_ice_transport_onbind(void* param, int code)
- {
- const char* pattern = "v=0\n"
- "o=%s 0 0 IN IP4 %s\n"
- "s=Talk\n"
- "c=IN IP4 %s\n"
- "t=0 0\n"
- "%s%s"; // audio/video
- char buffer[4*1024];
- struct sip_uac_test2_session_t* s = (struct sip_uac_test2_session_t*)param;
- if (0 == code)
- {
- std::shared_ptr<MP4FileReader> reader(new MP4FileReader("e:\\video\\mp4\\name.opus.mp4"));
- struct mov_reader_trackinfo_t info = { mp4_onvideo, mp4_onaudio };
- reader->GetInfo(&info, s);
- std::shared_ptr<sip_uac_test2_session_t> listener(s); // fixme: s->addref()
- std::shared_ptr<VodFileSource> source(new VodFileSource(reader, listener));
- s->source = source;
- // default connect address
- u_short port;
- char host[SOCKET_ADDRLEN];
- struct sockaddr_storage addr;
- ice_transport_getaddr(s->avt, 0, 1, &addr);
- socket_addr_to((struct sockaddr*)&addr, socket_addr_len((struct sockaddr*)&addr), host, &port);
- // TODO: PRACK add 100rel/precondiation
- //sip_uac_add_header(s->tuac, "Supported", "100ref");
- //sip_uac_add_header(s->tuac, "Supported", "precondition");
- // TODO: add Recv-Info
- //sip_uac_add_header(s->tuac, "Recv-Info", "");
- // TODO: add Allow-Events
- //sip_uac_add_header(s->tuac, "Allow-Events", "");
- sip_uac_add_header(s->tuac.get(), "Content-Type", "application/sdp");
- int n = snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), pattern, s->user.c_str(), host, host, (char*)s->audio.sender.buffer, (char*)s->video.sender.buffer);
- struct sip_transport_t t = {
- sip_uac_transport_via,
- sip_uac_transport_send,
- };
- assert(0 == sip_uac_send(s->tuac.get(), buffer, n, &t, &s->transport));
- }
- else
- {
- assert(0);
- }
- }
- static int sip_uac_oninvited(void* param, const struct sip_message_t* reply, struct sip_uac_transaction_t* t, struct sip_dialog_t* dialog, int code, void** session)
- {
- const cstring_t* h;
- std::shared_ptr<struct sip_uac_test2_session_t> s;
- struct sip_uac_test2_t *ctx = (struct sip_uac_test2_t*)param;
- if (reply)
- {
- sip_uac_test2_t::TSessions::iterator it;
- AutoThreadLocker locker(ctx->locker);
- it = ctx->sessions.find(SIP_PEER);
- if (it == ctx->sessions.end())
- return 0; // ignore
- s = it->second;
- }
- // TODO: handle reply->recv_info
- if (200 <= code && code < 300)
- {
- h = sip_message_get_header_by_name(reply, "Content-Type");
- if (!h || 0 != cstrcasecmp(h, "application/sdp"))
- {
- assert(0);
- return 0;
- }
- s->nmedia = rtsp_media_sdp((const char*)reply->payload, reply->size, s->medias, sizeof(s->medias) / sizeof(s->medias[0]));
- assert(0 == ice_transport_connect(s->avt, s->medias, s->nmedia));
- for (int i = 0; i < s->nmedia; i++)
- {
- struct rtsp_media_t* m = s->medias + i;
- if (0 == strcmp("audio", m->media))
- {
- int j = sdp_media_negotiate(m);
- if (-1 == j)
- continue;
- struct rtp_payload_t handler;
- handler.alloc = NULL;
- handler.free = NULL;
- handler.packet = rtp_packet_onrecv;
- s->audio.decoder = rtp_payload_decode_create(m->avformats[j].fmt, m->avformats[j].encoding, &handler, &s->audio);
- if (NULL == s->audio.decoder)
- {
- assert(0);
- continue; // ignore
- }
- assert(i == s->audio.stream);
- s->audio.m = m;
- s->audio.fmt = j;
- }
- else if (0 == strcmp("video", m->media))
- {
- int j = sdp_media_negotiate(m);
- if (-1 == j)
- continue;
- struct rtp_payload_t handler;
- handler.alloc = NULL;
- handler.free = NULL;
- handler.packet = rtp_packet_onrecv;
- s->video.decoder = rtp_payload_decode_create(m->avformats[j].fmt, m->avformats[j].encoding, &handler, &s->video);
- if (NULL == s->video.decoder)
- {
- assert(0);
- continue; // ignore
- }
- assert(i == s->video.stream);
- s->video.m = m;
- s->video.fmt = j;
- }
- }
- s->from = SIP_PEER;
- s->running = true;
- thread_create(&s->th, sip_work_thread, s.get());
- *session = s.get();
- sip_uac_ack(t, NULL, 0);
- return 0;
- }
- else if (code == 183)
- {
- h = sip_message_get_header_by_name(reply, "Require");
- if (!h || (0 != cstrcasecmp(h, "100rel") && 0 != cstrcasecmp(h, "precondition")))
- {
- assert(0);
- return 0;
- }
- assert(dialog);
- //struct sip_uac_transaction_t* prack = sip_uac_prack(ctx->sip, dialog, sip_uac_onprack, ctx);
- //sip_uac_add_header(prack, "Supported", "precondition");
- //sip_uac_send(prack, sdp, 0, transport, param);
- return 0;
- }
- else if (code >= 300)
- {
- // TODO: delete session
- printf("sip_uac_oninvited code: %d\n", code);
- return 0;
- }
- else
- {
- // trying
- return 0;
- }
- }
- static void sip_uac_invite_test(struct sip_uac_test2_t *ctx)
- {
- char buffer[1024];
- std::shared_ptr<sip_uac_transaction_t> t(sip_uac_invite(ctx->sip, SIP_FROM, SIP_PEER, sip_uac_oninvited, ctx), sip_uac_transaction_release);
- if (HTTP_AUTHENTICATION_DIGEST == ctx->auth.scheme)
- {
- ++ctx->auth.nc;
- snprintf(ctx->auth.uri, sizeof(ctx->auth.uri), "%s", SIP_PEER);
- snprintf(ctx->auth.username, sizeof(ctx->auth.username), "%s", ctx->usr);
- http_header_auth(&ctx->auth, SIP_PWD, "INVITE", NULL, 0, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
- sip_uac_add_header(t.get(), "Proxy-Authorization", buffer);
- }
- struct ice_transport_handler_t handler = {
- ice_transport_ondata,
- sip_uac_ice_transport_onbind,
- ice_transport_onconnected,
- };
- std::shared_ptr<sip_uac_test2_session_t> s(new sip_uac_test2_session_t());
- s->pkts = std::shared_ptr<AVPacketQueue>(new AVPacketQueue(200));
- s->avt = ice_transport_create(0, &handler, s.get());
- memset(&s->audio, 0, sizeof(s->audio));
- memset(&s->video, 0, sizeof(s->video));
- s->user = ctx->usr;
- s->tuac = t;
- {
- AutoThreadLocker locker(ctx->locker);
- if (ctx->sessions.end() != ctx->sessions.find(SIP_PEER))
- return; // ignore
- ctx->sessions.insert(std::make_pair(SIP_PEER, s));
- }
- s->audio.stream = 0;
- s->video.stream = 1;
- s->transport.udp = ctx->udp;
- s->transport.tcp = ctx->tcp;
- struct sockaddr_storage stun;
- memset(&stun, 0, sizeof(stun));
- assert(0 == socket_addr_from_ipv4((struct sockaddr_in*)&stun, TURN_SERVER, STUN_PORT));
- ice_transport_bind(s->avt, 2, 2, TURN_SERVER ? (struct sockaddr*)&stun : NULL, 0, TURN_USR, TURN_PWD);
- }
- static void sip_uac_register_test(struct sip_uac_test2_t *test);
- static int sip_uac_onregister(void* param, const struct sip_message_t* reply, struct sip_uac_transaction_t* t, int code)
- {
- struct sip_uac_test2_t *test = (struct sip_uac_test2_t *)param;
- const cstring_t* h;
- if (0 == test->callid[0] && reply)
- {
- h = sip_message_get_header_by_name(reply, "Call-ID");
- if (h)
- {
- snprintf(test->callid, sizeof(test->callid), "%.*s", (int)h->n, h->p);
- h = sip_message_get_header_by_name(reply, "CSeq");
- test->cseq = atoi(h->p);
- }
- }
- if (200 <= code && code < 300)
- {
- printf("Register OK\n");
- //sip_uac_invite_test(test);
- }
- else if (401 == code)
- {
- // Unauthorized
- memset(&test->auth, 0, sizeof(test->auth));
- h = sip_message_get_header_by_name(reply, "WWW-Authenticate");
- assert(0 == http_header_www_authenticate(h->p, &test->auth));
- test->nonce_count = 0;
- switch (test->auth.scheme)
- {
- sip_uac_register_test(test);
- break;
- assert(0);
- break;
- default:
- assert(0);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- }
- return 0;
- }
- static void sip_uac_register_test(struct sip_uac_test2_t *test)
- {
- char buffer[256];
- //t = sip_uac_register(uac, "Bob <sip:bob@biloxi.com>", "sip:registrar.biloxi.com", 7200, sip_uac_message_onregister, test);
- std::shared_ptr<sip_uac_transaction_t> t(sip_uac_register(test->sip, SIP_FROM, "sip:" SIP_HOST, SIP_EXPIRED, sip_uac_onregister, test), sip_uac_transaction_release);
- if (test->callid[0])
- {
- // All registrations from a UAC SHOULD use the same Call-ID
- sip_uac_add_header(t.get(), "Call-ID", test->callid);
- snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%u REGISTER", ++test->cseq);
- sip_uac_add_header(t.get(), "CSeq", buffer);
- }
- if (HTTP_AUTHENTICATION_DIGEST == test->auth.scheme)
- {
- // https://blog.csdn.net/yunlianglinfeng/article/details/81109380
- // http://www.voidcn.com/article/p-oqqbqgvd-bgn.html
- ++test->auth.nc;
- snprintf(test->auth.uri, sizeof(test->auth.uri), "sip:%s", SIP_HOST);
- snprintf(test->auth.username, sizeof(test->auth.username), "%s", test->usr);
- http_header_auth(&test->auth, SIP_PWD, "REGISTER", NULL, 0, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
- sip_uac_add_header(t.get(), "Authorization", buffer);
- }
- struct sip_transport_t transport = {
- sip_uac_transport_via,
- sip_uac_transport_send,
- };
- assert(0 == sip_uac_send(t.get(), NULL, 0, &transport, &test->transport));
- }
- static int STDCALL TimerThread(void* param)
- {
- uint64_t clock = 0;
- struct sip_uac_test2_t* ctx = (struct sip_uac_test2_t*)param;
- while (ctx->running)
- {
- uint64_t now = time64_now();
- if (clock + SIP_EXPIRED * 1000 < now)
- {
- clock = now;
- sip_uac_register_test(ctx);
- }
- system_sleep(5);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- static int sip_uac_test_process(struct sip_uac_test2_t* test)
- {
- uint8_t buffer[4 * 1024];
- http_parser_t* parser;
- http_parser_t* request;
- http_parser_t* response;
- request = http_parser_create(HTTP_PARSER_RESPONSE, NULL, NULL);
- response = http_parser_create(HTTP_PARSER_REQUEST, NULL, NULL);
- do
- {
- socklen_t addrlen;
- struct sockaddr_storage addr;
- addrlen = sizeof(addr);
- memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
- int r = socket_recvfrom(socket_invalid==test->tcp ? test->udp : test->tcp, buffer, sizeof(buffer), 0, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, &addrlen);
- if (-1 == r && EINTR == errno)
- continue;
- printf("\n%s\n", buffer);
- parser = 0 == strncasecmp("SIP", (char*)buffer, 3) ? request : response;
- size_t n = r;
- assert(0 == http_parser_input(parser, buffer, &n));
- struct sip_message_t* msg = sip_message_create(parser == response ? SIP_MESSAGE_REQUEST : SIP_MESSAGE_REPLY);
- assert(0 == sip_message_load(msg, parser));
- assert(0 == sip_agent_input(test->sip, msg, test));
- sip_message_destroy(msg);
- http_parser_clear(parser);
- } while (1);
- http_parser_destroy(request);
- http_parser_destroy(response);
- return 0;
- }
- static int sip_uas_onsubscribe(void* param, const struct sip_message_t* req, struct sip_uas_transaction_t* t, sip_subscribe_t* subscribe, void** sub)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- static int sip_uas_onnotify(void* param, const struct sip_message_t* req, struct sip_uas_transaction_t* t, void* session, const struct cstring_t* event)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- static int sip_uas_onpublish(void* param, const struct sip_message_t* req, struct sip_uas_transaction_t* t, const struct cstring_t* event)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- static int sip_uas_onrefer(void* param, const struct sip_message_t* req, struct sip_uas_transaction_t* t, void* session)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- static int sip_uas_onprack(void* param, const struct sip_message_t* req, struct sip_uas_transaction_t* t, void* session, struct sip_dialog_t* dialog, const void* data, int bytes)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- static int sip_uas_onupdate(void* param, const struct sip_message_t* req, struct sip_uas_transaction_t* t, void* session, struct sip_dialog_t* dialog, const void* data, int bytes)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- static int sip_uas_oninfo(void* param, const struct sip_message_t* req, struct sip_uas_transaction_t* t, void* session, struct sip_dialog_t* dialog, const struct cstring_t* package, const void* data, int bytes)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- void sip_uac_test2(void)
- {
- socket_init();
- sip_timer_init();
- struct sip_uac_test2_t test;
- test.running = true;
- test.callid[0] = 0;
- struct sip_uas_handler_t handler = {
- sip_uas_transport_send,
- sip_uas_onregister,
- sip_uas_oninvite,
- sip_uas_onack,
- sip_uas_onprack,
- sip_uas_onupdate,
- sip_uas_oninfo,
- sip_uas_onbye,
- sip_uas_oncancel,
- sip_uas_onsubscribe,
- sip_uas_onnotify,
- sip_uas_onpublish,
- sip_uas_onmessage,
- sip_uas_onrefer,
- };
- assert(1 == sscanf(SIP_FROM, "sip:%[^@]", test.usr));
- ip_route_get(SIP_HOST, test.local);
- test.udp = socket_udp();
- //test.tcp = socket_connect_host(SIP_HOST, SIP_PORT, 2000);
- //if(socket_invalid != test.tcp)
- // socket_setnonblock(test.tcp, 0);
- test.tcp = socket_invalid;
- test.sip = sip_agent_create(&handler);
- socket_bind_any(test.udp, SIP_PORT);
- test.transport.udp = test.udp;
- test.transport.tcp = test.tcp;
- pthread_t th;
- thread_create(&th, TimerThread, &test);
- //sip_uac_register_test(&test);
- sip_uac_test_process(&test);
- thread_destroy(th);
- sip_agent_destroy(test.sip);
- socket_close(test.udp);
- socket_cleanup();
- sip_timer_cleanup();
- }