- #include "rtmp-server.h"
- #include "rtmp-internal.h"
- #include "rtmp-msgtypeid.h"
- #include "rtmp-handshake.h"
- #include "rtmp-netstream.h"
- #include "rtmp-netconnection.h"
- #include "rtmp-control-message.h"
- #include "rtmp-event.h"
- #include <errno.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <assert.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #define RTMP_FMSVER "FMS/3,0,1,123"
- struct rtmp_server_t
- {
- struct rtmp_t rtmp;
- uint32_t recv_bytes[2]; // for rtmp_acknowledgement
- void* param;
- struct rtmp_server_handler_t handler;
- uint8_t payload[2 * 1024];
- uint8_t handshake[2 * RTMP_HANDSHAKE_SIZE + 1]; // only for handshake
- size_t handshake_bytes;
- int handshake_state; // RTMP_HANDSHAKE_XXX
- struct rtmp_connect_t info; // Server application name, e.g.: testapp
- char stream_name[256]; // Play/Publishing stream name, flv:sample, mp3:sample, H.264/AAC: mp4:sample.m4v
- char stream_type[18]; // Publishing type: live/record/append
- uint32_t stream_id; // createStream/deleteStream
- uint8_t receiveAudio; // 1-enable audio, 0-no audio
- uint8_t receiveVideo; // 1-enable video, 0-no video
- // onpublish/onplay only
- struct
- {
- double transaction;
- int reset;
- int play; // 1-play, 2-publish, other-error
- } start;
- };
- static int rtmp_server_send_control(struct rtmp_t* rtmp, const uint8_t* payload, uint32_t bytes, uint32_t stream_id)
- {
- struct rtmp_chunk_header_t header;
- header.fmt = RTMP_CHUNK_TYPE_0; // disable compact header
- header.cid = RTMP_CHANNEL_INVOKE;
- header.timestamp = 0;
- header.length = bytes;
- header.type = RTMP_TYPE_INVOKE;
- header.stream_id = stream_id; /* default 0 */
- return rtmp_chunk_write(rtmp, &header, payload);
- }
- static int rtmp_server_send_onstatus(struct rtmp_server_t* ctx, double transaction, int r, const char* success, const char* fail, const char* description)
- {
- r = (int)(rtmp_netstream_onstatus(ctx->payload, sizeof(ctx->payload), transaction, 0==r ? RTMP_LEVEL_STATUS : RTMP_LEVEL_ERROR, 0==r ? success : fail, description) - ctx->payload);
- return rtmp_server_send_control(&ctx->rtmp, ctx->payload, r, ctx->stream_id);
- }
- // handshake
- static int rtmp_server_send_handshake(struct rtmp_server_t* ctx)
- {
- int n, r;
- n = rtmp_handshake_s0(ctx->handshake, RTMP_VERSION);
- n += rtmp_handshake_s1(ctx->handshake + n, (uint32_t)time(NULL));
- n += rtmp_handshake_s2(ctx->handshake + n, (uint32_t)time(NULL), ctx->payload, RTMP_HANDSHAKE_SIZE);
- r = ctx->handler.send(ctx->param, ctx->handshake, n, NULL, 0);
- return n == r ? 0 : r;
- }
- /// 5.4.1. Set Chunk Size (1)
- static int rtmp_server_send_set_chunk_size(struct rtmp_server_t* ctx)
- {
- int n, r;
- n = rtmp_set_chunk_size(ctx->payload, sizeof(ctx->payload), RTMP_OUTPUT_CHUNK_SIZE);
- r = ctx->handler.send(ctx->param, ctx->payload, n, NULL, 0);
- ctx->rtmp.out_chunk_size = RTMP_OUTPUT_CHUNK_SIZE;
- return n == r ? 0 : r;
- }
- /// 5.4.3. Acknowledgement (3)
- static int rtmp_server_send_acknowledgement(struct rtmp_server_t* ctx, size_t size)
- {
- int n, r;
- ctx->recv_bytes[0] += (uint32_t)size;
- if (ctx->rtmp.window_size && ctx->recv_bytes[0] - ctx->recv_bytes[1] > ctx->rtmp.window_size)
- {
- n = rtmp_acknowledgement(ctx->payload, sizeof(ctx->payload), ctx->recv_bytes[0]);
- r = ctx->handler.send(ctx->param, ctx->payload, n, NULL, 0);
- ctx->recv_bytes[1] = ctx->recv_bytes[0];
- return n == r ? 0 : r;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /// 5.4.4. Window Acknowledgement Size (5)
- static int rtmp_server_send_server_bandwidth(struct rtmp_server_t* ctx)
- {
- int n, r;
- n = rtmp_window_acknowledgement_size(ctx->payload, sizeof(ctx->payload), ctx->rtmp.window_size);
- r = ctx->handler.send(ctx->param, ctx->payload, n, NULL, 0);
- return n == r ? 0 : r;
- }
- /// 5.4.5. Set Peer Bandwidth (6)
- static int rtmp_server_send_client_bandwidth(struct rtmp_server_t* ctx)
- {
- int n, r;
- n = rtmp_set_peer_bandwidth(ctx->payload, sizeof(ctx->payload), ctx->rtmp.peer_bandwidth, RTMP_BANDWIDTH_LIMIT_DYNAMIC);
- r = ctx->handler.send(ctx->param, ctx->payload, n, NULL, 0);
- return n == r ? 0 : r;
- }
- static int rtmp_server_send_stream_is_record(struct rtmp_server_t* ctx)
- {
- int n, r;
- n = rtmp_event_stream_is_record(ctx->payload, sizeof(ctx->payload), ctx->stream_id);
- r = ctx->handler.send(ctx->param, ctx->payload, n, NULL, 0);
- return n == r ? 0 : r;
- }
- static int rtmp_server_send_stream_begin(struct rtmp_server_t* ctx)
- {
- int n, r;
- n = rtmp_event_stream_begin(ctx->payload, sizeof(ctx->payload), ctx->stream_id);
- r = ctx->handler.send(ctx->param, ctx->payload, n, NULL, 0);
- return n == r ? 0 : r;
- }
- static int rtmp_server_rtmp_sample_access(struct rtmp_server_t* ctx)
- {
- int n;
- struct rtmp_chunk_header_t header;
- n = (int)(rtmp_netstream_rtmpsampleaccess(ctx->payload, sizeof(ctx->payload)) - ctx->payload);
- header.fmt = RTMP_CHUNK_TYPE_0; // disable compact header
- header.cid = RTMP_CHANNEL_INVOKE;
- header.timestamp = 0;
- header.length = n;
- header.type = RTMP_TYPE_DATA;
- header.stream_id = ctx->stream_id;
- return rtmp_chunk_write(&ctx->rtmp, &header, ctx->payload);
- }
- static void rtmp_server_onabort(void* param, uint32_t chunk_stream_id)
- {
- struct rtmp_server_t* ctx;
- ctx = (struct rtmp_server_t*)param;
- (void)ctx, (void)chunk_stream_id;
- // ctx->handler.onerror(ctx->param, -1, "client abort");
- }
- static int rtmp_server_onaudio(void* param, const uint8_t* data, size_t bytes, uint32_t timestamp)
- {
- struct rtmp_server_t* ctx;
- ctx = (struct rtmp_server_t*)param;
- return ctx->handler.onaudio(ctx->param, data, bytes, timestamp);
- }
- static int rtmp_server_onvideo(void* param, const uint8_t* data, size_t bytes, uint32_t timestamp)
- {
- struct rtmp_server_t* ctx;
- ctx = (struct rtmp_server_t*)param;
- return ctx->handler.onvideo(ctx->param, data, bytes, timestamp);
- }
- static int rtmp_server_onscript(void* param, const uint8_t* data, size_t bytes, uint32_t timestamp)
- {
- struct rtmp_server_t* ctx;
- ctx = (struct rtmp_server_t*)param;
- return ctx->handler.onscript(ctx->param, data, bytes, timestamp);
- }
- // connect (p29)
- // _result/_error
- static int rtmp_server_onconnect(void* param, int r, double transaction, const struct rtmp_connect_t* connect)
- {
- int n;
- struct rtmp_server_t* ctx;
- ctx = (struct rtmp_server_t*)param;
- assert((double)RTMP_ENCODING_AMF_0 == connect->encoding || (double)RTMP_ENCODING_AMF_3 == connect->encoding);
- if (0 == r)
- {
- assert(1 == (int)transaction);
- memcpy(&ctx->info, connect, sizeof(ctx->info));
- r = rtmp_server_send_server_bandwidth(ctx);
- r = 0 == r ? rtmp_server_send_client_bandwidth(ctx) : r;
- r = 0 == r ? rtmp_server_send_set_chunk_size(ctx) : r;
- }
- if(0 == r)
- {
- n = (int)(rtmp_netconnection_connect_reply(ctx->payload, sizeof(ctx->payload), transaction, RTMP_FMSVER, RTMP_CAPABILITIES, "NetConnection.Connect.Success", RTMP_LEVEL_STATUS, "Connection Succeeded.", connect->encoding) - ctx->payload);
- r = rtmp_server_send_control(&ctx->rtmp, ctx->payload, n, 0);
- }
- return r;
- }
- // createStream (p36)
- // _result/_error
- static int rtmp_server_oncreate_stream(void* param, int r, double transaction)
- {
- struct rtmp_server_t* ctx;
- ctx = (struct rtmp_server_t*)param;
- if (0 == r)
- {
- ctx->stream_id = 1;
- //r = ctx->handler.oncreate_stream(ctx->param, &ctx->stream_id);
- if (0 == r)
- r = (int)(rtmp_netconnection_create_stream_reply(ctx->payload, sizeof(ctx->payload), transaction, ctx->stream_id) - ctx->payload);
- else
- r = (int)(rtmp_netconnection_error(ctx->payload, sizeof(ctx->payload), transaction, "NetConnection.CreateStream.Failed", RTMP_LEVEL_ERROR, "createStream failed.") - ctx->payload);
- r = rtmp_server_send_control(&ctx->rtmp, ctx->payload, r, 0/*ctx->stream_id*/); // must be 0
- }
- return r;
- }
- // deleteStream (p43)
- // The server does not send any response
- static int rtmp_server_ondelete_stream(void* param, int r, double transaction, double stream_id)
- {
- struct rtmp_server_t* ctx;
- ctx = (struct rtmp_server_t*)param;
- if (0 == r)
- {
- stream_id = ctx->stream_id = 0; // clear stream id
- //r = ctx->handler.ondelete_stream(ctx->param, (uint32_t)stream_id);
- r = rtmp_server_send_onstatus(ctx, transaction, r, "NetStream.DeleteStream.Suceess", "NetStream.DeleteStream.Failed", "");
- }
- return r;
- }
- static int rtmp_server_onget_stream_length(void* param, int r, double transaction, const char* stream_name)
- {
- double duration = -1;
- struct rtmp_server_t* ctx;
- ctx = (struct rtmp_server_t*)param;
- if (0 == r && ctx->handler.ongetduration)
- {
- // get duration (seconds)
- r = ctx->handler.ongetduration(ctx->param, ctx->info.app, stream_name, &duration);
- if (0 == r)
- {
- r = (int)(rtmp_netconnection_get_stream_length_reply(ctx->payload, sizeof(ctx->payload), transaction, duration) - ctx->payload);
- r = rtmp_server_send_control(&ctx->rtmp, ctx->payload, r, ctx->stream_id);
- }
- }
- return r;
- }
- // publish (p45)
- // The server responds with the onStatus command
- static int rtmp_server_onpublish(void* param, int r, double transaction, const char* stream_name, const char* stream_type)
- {
- struct rtmp_server_t* ctx;
- ctx = (struct rtmp_server_t*)param;
- if (0 == r)
- {
- snprintf(ctx->stream_name, sizeof(ctx->stream_name) - 1, "%s", stream_name ? stream_name : "");
- snprintf(ctx->stream_type, sizeof(ctx->stream_type) - 1, "%s", stream_type ? stream_type : "");
- r = ctx->handler.onpublish(ctx->param, ctx->info.app, stream_name, stream_type);
- if (0 == r)
- {
- // User Control (StreamBegin)
- r = rtmp_server_send_stream_begin(ctx);
- if(0 != r)
- return r;
- }
- r = rtmp_server_send_onstatus(ctx, transaction, r, "NetStream.Publish.Start", "NetStream.Publish.BadName", "");
- }
- return r;
- }
- // play (p38)
- // reply onStatus NetStream.Play.Start & NetStream.Play.Reset
- static int rtmp_server_onplay(void* param, int r, double transaction, const char* stream_name, double start, double duration, uint8_t reset)
- {
- struct rtmp_server_t* ctx;
- ctx = (struct rtmp_server_t*)param;
- if (0 == r)
- {
- ctx->start.play = 1;
- ctx->start.reset = reset;
- ctx->start.transaction = transaction;
- snprintf(ctx->stream_name, sizeof(ctx->stream_name) - 1, "%s", stream_name ? stream_name : "");
- snprintf(ctx->stream_type, sizeof(ctx->stream_type) - 1, "%s", -1 == start ? RTMP_STREAM_LIVE : RTMP_STREAM_RECORD);
- r = ctx->handler.onplay(ctx->param, ctx->info.app, stream_name, start, duration, reset);
- //if (0 == r)
- //{
- // // User Control (StreamBegin)
- // r = 0 == r ? rtmp_server_send_stream_begin(ctx) : r;
- // // NetStream.Play.Reset
- // if (reset) r = 0 == r ? rtmp_server_send_onstatus(ctx, transaction, 0, "NetStream.Play.Reset", "NetStream.Play.Failed", "") : r;
- // if(0 != r)
- // return r;
- //}
- //r = rtmp_server_send_onstatus(ctx, transaction, r, "NetStream.Play.Start", "NetStream.Play.Failed", "Start video on demand");
- //// User Control (StreamIsRecorded)
- //r = 0 == r ? rtmp_server_send_stream_is_record(ctx) : r;
- //r = 0 == r ? rtmp_server_rtmp_sample_access(ctx) : r;
- }
- return r;
- }
- // pause (p47)
- // sucessful: NetStream.Pause.Notify/NetStream.Unpause.Notify
- // failure: _error message
- static int rtmp_server_onpause(void* param, int r, double transaction, uint8_t pause, double milliSeconds)
- {
- struct rtmp_server_t* ctx;
- ctx = (struct rtmp_server_t*)param;
- if (0 == r)
- {
- r = ctx->handler.onpause(ctx->param, pause, (uint32_t)milliSeconds);
- r = rtmp_server_send_onstatus(ctx, transaction, r, pause ? "NetStream.Pause.Notify" : "NetStream.Unpause.Notify", "NetStream.Pause.Failed", "");
- }
- return r;
- }
- // seek (p46)
- // successful : NetStream.Seek.Notify
- // failure: _error message
- static int rtmp_server_onseek(void* param, int r, double transaction, double milliSeconds)
- {
- struct rtmp_server_t* ctx;
- ctx = (struct rtmp_server_t*)param;
- if (0 == r)
- {
- r = ctx->handler.onseek(ctx->param, (uint32_t)milliSeconds);
- r = rtmp_server_send_onstatus(ctx, transaction, r, "NetStream.Seek.Notify", "NetStream.Seek.Failed", "");
- }
- return r;
- }
- // receiveAudio (p44)
- // false: The server does not send any response,
- // true: server responds with status messages NetStream.Seek.Notify and NetStream.Play.Start
- static int rtmp_server_onreceive_audio(void* param, int r, double transaction, uint8_t audio)
- {
- struct rtmp_server_t* ctx;
- ctx = (struct rtmp_server_t*)param;
- if(0 == r)
- {
- ctx->receiveAudio = audio;
- if (audio)
- {
- r = rtmp_server_send_onstatus(ctx, transaction, r, "NetStream.Seek.Notify", "NetStream.Seek.Failed", "");
- r = rtmp_server_send_onstatus(ctx, transaction, r, "NetStream.Play.Start", "NetStream.Play.Failed", "");
- }
- }
- return r;
- }
- static int rtmp_server_onreceive_video(void* param, int r, double transaction, uint8_t video)
- {
- struct rtmp_server_t* ctx;
- ctx = (struct rtmp_server_t*)param;
- if(0 == r)
- {
- ctx->receiveVideo = video;
- if (video)
- {
- r = rtmp_server_send_onstatus(ctx, transaction, r, "NetStream.Seek.Notify", "NetStream.Seek.Failed", "");
- r = rtmp_server_send_onstatus(ctx, transaction, r, "NetStream.Play.Start", "NetStream.Play.Failed", "");
- }
- }
- return r;
- }
- static int rtmp_server_send(void* param, const uint8_t* header, uint32_t headerBytes, const uint8_t* payload, uint32_t payloadBytes)
- {
- int r;
- struct rtmp_server_t* ctx;
- ctx = (struct rtmp_server_t*)param;
- r = ctx->handler.send(ctx->param, header, headerBytes, payload, payloadBytes);
- return (r == (int)(payloadBytes + headerBytes)) ? 0 : -1;
- }
- struct rtmp_server_t* rtmp_server_create(void* param, const struct rtmp_server_handler_t* handler)
- {
- struct rtmp_server_t* ctx;
- ctx = (struct rtmp_server_t*)calloc(1, sizeof(*ctx));
- if (NULL == ctx)
- return NULL;
- memcpy(&ctx->handler, handler, sizeof(ctx->handler));
- ctx->param = param;
- ctx->stream_id = 0;
- ctx->receiveAudio = 1;
- ctx->receiveVideo = 1;
- ctx->handshake_state = RTMP_HANDSHAKE_UNINIT;
- ctx->rtmp.parser.state = RTMP_PARSE_INIT;
- ctx->rtmp.in_chunk_size = RTMP_CHUNK_SIZE;
- ctx->rtmp.out_chunk_size = RTMP_CHUNK_SIZE;
- ctx->rtmp.window_size = 5000000;
- ctx->rtmp.peer_bandwidth = 5000000;
- ctx->rtmp.buffer_length_ms = 30000;
- ctx->rtmp.param = ctx;
- ctx->rtmp.send = rtmp_server_send;
- ctx->rtmp.onaudio = rtmp_server_onaudio;
- ctx->rtmp.onvideo = rtmp_server_onvideo;
- ctx->rtmp.onabort = rtmp_server_onabort;
- ctx->rtmp.onscript = rtmp_server_onscript;
- ctx->rtmp.server.onconnect = rtmp_server_onconnect;
- ctx->rtmp.server.oncreate_stream = rtmp_server_oncreate_stream;
- ctx->rtmp.server.ondelete_stream = rtmp_server_ondelete_stream;
- ctx->rtmp.server.onget_stream_length = rtmp_server_onget_stream_length;
- ctx->rtmp.server.onpublish = rtmp_server_onpublish;
- ctx->rtmp.server.onplay = rtmp_server_onplay;
- ctx->rtmp.server.onpause = rtmp_server_onpause;
- ctx->rtmp.server.onseek = rtmp_server_onseek;
- ctx->rtmp.server.onreceive_audio = rtmp_server_onreceive_audio;
- ctx->rtmp.server.onreceive_video = rtmp_server_onreceive_video;
- ctx->rtmp.out_packets[RTMP_CHANNEL_PROTOCOL].header.cid = RTMP_CHANNEL_PROTOCOL;
- ctx->rtmp.out_packets[RTMP_CHANNEL_INVOKE].header.cid = RTMP_CHANNEL_INVOKE;
- ctx->rtmp.out_packets[RTMP_CHANNEL_AUDIO].header.cid = RTMP_CHANNEL_AUDIO;
- ctx->rtmp.out_packets[RTMP_CHANNEL_VIDEO].header.cid = RTMP_CHANNEL_VIDEO;
- ctx->rtmp.out_packets[RTMP_CHANNEL_DATA].header.cid = RTMP_CHANNEL_DATA;
- return ctx;
- }
- void rtmp_server_destroy(struct rtmp_server_t* ctx)
- {
- size_t i;
- assert(sizeof(ctx->rtmp.in_packets) == sizeof(ctx->rtmp.out_packets));
- for (i = 0; i < N_CHUNK_STREAM; i++)
- {
- assert(NULL == ctx->rtmp.out_packets[i].payload);
- if (ctx->rtmp.in_packets[i].payload)
- free(ctx->rtmp.in_packets[i].payload);
- }
- free(ctx);
- }
- int rtmp_server_getstate(struct rtmp_server_t* ctx)
- {
- return ctx->handshake_state;
- }
- int rtmp_server_input(struct rtmp_server_t* ctx, const uint8_t* data, size_t bytes)
- {
- int r;
- size_t n;
- const uint8_t* p;
- p = data;
- while (bytes > 0)
- {
- switch (ctx->handshake_state)
- {
- case RTMP_HANDSHAKE_UNINIT: // C0: version
- ctx->handshake_state = RTMP_HANDSHAKE_0;
- ctx->handshake_bytes = 0; // clear buffer
- assert(*p <= RTMP_VERSION);
- bytes -= 1;
- p += 1;
- break;
- case RTMP_HANDSHAKE_0: // C1: 4-time + 4-zero + 1528-random
- assert(RTMP_HANDSHAKE_SIZE > ctx->handshake_bytes);
- n = RTMP_HANDSHAKE_SIZE - ctx->handshake_bytes;
- n = n <= bytes ? n : bytes;
- memcpy(ctx->payload + ctx->handshake_bytes, p, n);
- ctx->handshake_bytes += n;
- bytes -= n;
- p += n;
- if (ctx->handshake_bytes == RTMP_HANDSHAKE_SIZE)
- {
- ctx->handshake_state = RTMP_HANDSHAKE_1;
- ctx->handshake_bytes = 0; // clear buffer
- r = rtmp_server_send_handshake(ctx);
- if(0 != r) return r;
- }
- break;
- case RTMP_HANDSHAKE_1: // C2: 4-time + 4-time2 + 1528-echo
- assert(RTMP_HANDSHAKE_SIZE > ctx->handshake_bytes);
- n = RTMP_HANDSHAKE_SIZE - ctx->handshake_bytes;
- n = n <= bytes ? n : bytes;
- memcpy(ctx->payload + ctx->handshake_bytes, p, n);
- ctx->handshake_bytes += n;
- bytes -= n;
- p += n;
- if (ctx->handshake_bytes == RTMP_HANDSHAKE_SIZE)
- {
- ctx->handshake_state = RTMP_HANDSHAKE_2;
- ctx->handshake_bytes = 0; // clear buffer
- }
- break;
- default:
- rtmp_server_send_acknowledgement(ctx, bytes);
- return rtmp_chunk_read(&ctx->rtmp, (const uint8_t*)p, bytes);
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int rtmp_server_start(rtmp_server_t* rtmp, int r, const char* msg)
- {
- (void)msg; // ignore
- if (1 == rtmp->start.play)
- {
- if (0 == r)
- {
- // User Control (StreamBegin)
- r = 0 == r ? rtmp_server_send_stream_begin(rtmp) : r;
- // NetStream.Play.Reset
- if (rtmp->start.reset) r = 0 == r ? rtmp_server_send_onstatus(rtmp, rtmp->start.transaction, 0, "NetStream.Play.Reset", "NetStream.Play.Failed", "") : r;
- if (0 != r)
- return r;
- }
- r = rtmp_server_send_onstatus(rtmp, rtmp->start.transaction, r, "NetStream.Play.Start", "NetStream.Play.Failed", "Start video on demand");
- // User Control (StreamIsRecorded)
- r = 0 == r ? rtmp_server_send_stream_is_record(rtmp) : r;
- r = 0 == r ? rtmp_server_rtmp_sample_access(rtmp) : r;
- }
- //else if(2 == rtmp->start.play)
- //{
- // if (0 == r)
- // {
- // // User Control (StreamBegin)
- // r = rtmp_server_send_stream_begin(rtmp);
- // if (0 != r)
- // return r;
- // }
- // r = rtmp_server_send_onstatus(rtmp, rtmp->start.transaction, r, "NetStream.Publish.Start", "NetStream.Publish.BadName", "");
- //}
- rtmp->start.play = 0;
- return r;
- }
- #define RTMP_SERVER_CHECK_START(rtmp) do {int r; r = rtmp->start.play ? rtmp_server_start(rtmp, 0, NULL) : 0; if (0 != r) return r; } while(0)
- int rtmp_server_send_audio(struct rtmp_server_t* ctx, const void* data, size_t bytes, uint32_t timestamp)
- {
- struct rtmp_chunk_header_t header;
- if (0 == ctx->receiveAudio)
- return 0; // client don't want receive audio
- header.fmt = RTMP_CHUNK_TYPE_1; // enable compact header
- header.cid = RTMP_CHANNEL_AUDIO;
- header.timestamp = timestamp;
- header.length = (uint32_t)bytes;
- header.type = RTMP_TYPE_AUDIO;
- header.stream_id = ctx->stream_id;
- return rtmp_chunk_write(&ctx->rtmp, &header, (const uint8_t*)data);
- }
- int rtmp_server_send_video(struct rtmp_server_t* ctx, const void* data, size_t bytes, uint32_t timestamp)
- {
- struct rtmp_chunk_header_t header;
- if (0 == ctx->receiveVideo)
- return 0; // client don't want receive video
- header.fmt = RTMP_CHUNK_TYPE_1; // enable compact header
- header.cid = RTMP_CHANNEL_VIDEO;
- header.timestamp = timestamp;
- header.length = (uint32_t)bytes;
- header.type = RTMP_TYPE_VIDEO;
- header.stream_id = ctx->stream_id;
- return rtmp_chunk_write(&ctx->rtmp, &header, (const uint8_t*)data);
- }
- int rtmp_server_send_script(struct rtmp_server_t* ctx, const void* data, size_t bytes, uint32_t timestamp)
- {
- struct rtmp_chunk_header_t header;
- header.fmt = RTMP_CHUNK_TYPE_1; // enable compact header
- header.cid = RTMP_CHANNEL_INVOKE;
- header.timestamp = timestamp;
- header.length = (uint32_t)bytes;
- header.type = RTMP_TYPE_DATA;
- header.stream_id = ctx->stream_id;
- return rtmp_chunk_write(&ctx->rtmp, &header, (const uint8_t*)data);
- }