- /*
- * Copyright (c) 2016 The ZLMediaKit project authors. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * This file is part of ZLMediaKit(https://github.com/xia-chu/ZLMediaKit).
- *
- * Use of this source code is governed by MIT license that can be found in the
- * LICENSE file in the root of the source tree. All contributing project authors
- * may be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
- */
- #include <sys/time.h>
- #include "HCNetSDK.h"
- #include "PlayM4.h"
- #include "Device/Device.h"
- #include "Util/onceToken.h"
- #include "Util/logger.h"
- #include "Util/TimeTicker.h"
- using namespace toolkit;
- namespace mediakit {
- class connectInfo {
- public:
- connectInfo(const char *_strDevIp,
- uint16_t _ui16DevPort,
- const char *_strUserName,
- const char *_strPwd) {
- strDevIp = _strDevIp;
- ui16DevPort = _ui16DevPort;
- strUserName = _strUserName;
- strPwd = _strPwd;
- }
- string strDevIp;
- uint16_t ui16DevPort;
- string strUserName;
- string strPwd;
- };
- class connectResult {
- public:
- string strDevName;
- uint16_t ui16ChnStart;
- uint16_t ui16ChnCount;
- };
- typedef function<void(bool success, const connectResult &)> connectCB;
- typedef function<void(bool success)> relustCB;
- class Device: public enable_shared_from_this<Device> {
- public:
- using Ptr = std::shared_ptr<Device>;
- Device() {
- }
- virtual ~Device(){ disconnect([](bool bSuccess){
- });};
- virtual void connectDevice(const connectInfo &info, const connectCB &cb, int iTimeOut = 3)=0;
- virtual void disconnect(const relustCB &cb) {
- }
- virtual void addChannel(int iChnIndex, bool bMainStream = true)=0;
- virtual void delChannel(int iChnIndex)=0;
- virtual void addAllChannel(bool bMainStream = true)=0;
- protected:
- void onConnected() {
- }
- void onDisconnected(bool bSelfDisconnect) {
- }
- };
- class DevChannelHK;
- class DeviceHK: public Device {
- public:
- using Ptr = std::shared_ptr<DeviceHK>;
- DeviceHK();
- virtual ~DeviceHK();
- void connectDevice(const connectInfo &info, const connectCB &cb, int iTimeOut = 3) override;
- void disconnect(const relustCB &cb) override;
- void addChannel(int iChnIndex, bool bMainStream = true) override;
- void delChannel(int iChnIndex) override;
- void addAllChannel(bool bMainStream = true) override;
- private:
- map<int, std::shared_ptr<DevChannel> > m_mapChannels;
- int64_t m_i64LoginId = -1;
- NET_DVR_DEVICEINFO_V30 m_deviceInfo;
- void onConnected(LONG lUserID, LPNET_DVR_DEVICEINFO_V30 lpDeviceInfo);
- };
- class DevChannelHK: public DevChannel {
- public:
- using Ptr = std::shared_ptr<DevChannel>;
- DevChannelHK(int64_t i64LoginId, const char *pcDevName, int iChn, bool bMainStream = true);
- virtual ~DevChannelHK();
- protected:
- int64_t m_i64LoginId = -1;
- int64_t m_i64PreviewHandle = -1;
- int m_iPlayHandle = -1;
- void onPreview(DWORD dwDataType, BYTE *pBuffer, DWORD dwBufSize);
- void onGetDecData(char * pBuf, int nSize, FRAME_INFO * pFrameInfo);
- bool m_bVideoSeted = false;
- bool m_bAudioSeted = false;
- };
- } /* namespace mediakit */
- #endif /* DEVICE_DEVICEHK_H_ */