- // rfc2326 12.33 RTP-Info (p55)
- // used to set RTP-specific parameters in the PLAY response
- // parameter: url rtp stream url
- // parameter: seq digit
- // parameter: rtptime digit
- // RTP-Info = "RTP-Info" ":" 1#stream-url 1*parameter
- // stream-url = "url" "=" url
- // parameter = ";" "seq" "=" 1*DIGIT
- // | ";" "rtptime" "=" 1*DIGIT
- //
- // e.g. RTP-Info: url=rtsp://foo.com/bar.avi/streamid=0;seq=45102,url=rtsp://foo.com/bar.avi/streamid=1;seq=30211
- #include "rtsp-header-rtp-info.h"
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <assert.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <inttypes.h>
- #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64) || defined(OS_WINDOWS)
- #define strncasecmp _strnicmp
- #endif
- #define RTP_INFO_SPECIAL ",;\r\n"
- int rtsp_header_rtp_info(const char* field, struct rtsp_header_rtp_info_t* rtpinfo)
- {
- const char* p1;
- const char* p = field;
- while(p && *p)
- {
- p1 = strpbrk(p, RTP_INFO_SPECIAL);
- if(0 == strncasecmp("url=", p, 4))
- {
- size_t n = (size_t)(p1 - p - 4); // ptrdiff_t -> size_t
- if(n >= sizeof(rtpinfo->url))
- return -1;
- memcpy(rtpinfo->url, p+4, n);
- rtpinfo->url[n] = '\0';
- }
- else if(1 == sscanf(p, "seq = %" PRIu64, &rtpinfo->seq))
- {
- }
- else if(1 == sscanf(p, "rtptime = %" PRIu64, &rtpinfo->rtptime))
- {
- }
- else
- {
- assert(0); // unknown parameter
- }
- if(NULL == p1 || '\r' == *p1 || '\n' == *p1 || '\0' == *p1 || ',' == *p1)
- break;
- p = p1 + 1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- #if defined(DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG)
- void rtsp_header_rtp_info_test(void)
- {
- struct rtsp_header_rtp_info_t rtp;
- memset(&rtp, 0, sizeof(rtp));
- assert(0 == rtsp_header_rtp_info("url=rtsp://foo.com/bar.avi/streamid=0;seq=45102", &rtp)); // rfc2326 p56
- assert(0 == strcmp(rtp.url, "rtsp://foo.com/bar.avi/streamid=0"));
- assert(rtp.seq == 45102);
- memset(&rtp, 0, sizeof(rtp));
- assert(0 == rtsp_header_rtp_info("url=rtsp://foo.com/bar.avi/streamid=0;seq=45102;rtptime=123456789, url=rtsp://foo.com/bar.avi/streamid=1;seq=30211", &rtp));
- assert(0 == strcmp(rtp.url, "rtsp://foo.com/bar.avi/streamid=0"));
- assert(rtp.seq == 45102 && rtp.rtptime == 123456789);
- }
- #endif