- #ifndef _rtmp_client_h_
- #define _rtmp_client_h_
- #include <stdint.h>
- #include <stddef.h>
- #if defined(__cplusplus)
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- typedef struct rtmp_client_t rtmp_client_t;
- struct rtmp_client_handler_t
- {
- ///network implementation
- ///@return >0-sent bytes, <0-error
- int (*send)(void* param, const void* header, size_t len, const void* payload, size_t bytes);
- ///VOD only
- ///@param[in] video FLV VideoTagHeader + AVCVIDEOPACKET: AVCDecoderConfigurationRecord(ISO 14496-15) / One or more NALUs(four-bytes length + NALU)
- ///@param[in] audio FLV AudioTagHeader + AACAUDIODATA: AudioSpecificConfig(14496-3) / Raw AAC frame data in UI8
- ///@param[in] script AMF0/AMF3
- ///@return 0-ok, other-error
- int (*onvideo)(void* param, const void* video, size_t bytes, uint32_t timestamp);
- int (*onaudio)(void* param, const void* audio, size_t bytes, uint32_t timestamp);
- int (*onscript)(void* param, const void* script, size_t bytes, uint32_t timestamp);
- };
- /// URL: rtmp://host/app/playpath (TCURL: rtmp://host/app)
- /// e.g.: rtmp://live.alivecdn.com/live/hello
- /// rtmp_client_create("live", "hello", "rtmp://live.alivecdn.com/live", param, handler)
- /// @param[in] appname rtmp app name
- /// @param[in] playpath rtmp playpath
- /// @param[in] tcurl rtmp url (only host and app name)
- rtmp_client_t* rtmp_client_create(const char* appname, const char* playpath, const char* tcurl, void* param, const struct rtmp_client_handler_t* handler);
- void rtmp_client_destroy(rtmp_client_t* rtmp);
- ///@return 0-ok, other-error
- int rtmp_client_input(rtmp_client_t* rtmp, const void* data, size_t bytes);
- ///@param[in] publish 0-Publish(push stream to server), 1-LIVE/VOD(pull from server), 2-LIVE only, 3-VOD only
- ///@return 0-ok, other-error
- int rtmp_client_start(rtmp_client_t* rtmp, int publish);
- int rtmp_client_stop(rtmp_client_t* rtmp);
- int rtmp_client_pause(rtmp_client_t* rtmp, int pause); // VOD only
- int rtmp_client_seek(rtmp_client_t* rtmp, double timestamp); // VOD only
- ///@return RTMP_STATE_START(4): push video/audio
- int rtmp_client_getstate(rtmp_client_t* rtmp);
- ///@param[in] video FLV VideoTagHeader + AVCVIDEOPACKET: AVCDecoderConfigurationRecord(ISO 14496-15) / One or more NALUs(four-bytes length + NALU)
- ///@param[in] bytes video data length in bytes
- ///@return 0-ok, other-error
- int rtmp_client_push_video(rtmp_client_t* rtmp, const void* video, size_t bytes, uint32_t timestamp);
- ///@param[in] audio FLV AudioTagHeader + AACAUDIODATA: AudioSpecificConfig(14496-3) / Raw AAC frame data in UI8
- ///@param[in] bytes audio data length in bytes
- ///@return 0-ok, other-error
- int rtmp_client_push_audio(rtmp_client_t* rtmp, const void* audio, size_t bytes, uint32_t timestamp);
- ///@param[in] data FLV onMetaData
- int rtmp_client_push_script(struct rtmp_client_t* ctx, const void* data, size_t bytes, uint32_t timestamp);
- #if defined(__cplusplus)
- }
- #endif
- #endif /* !_rtmp_client_h_ */