- #include "hls-m3u8.h"
- #include "hls-param.h"
- #include "list.h"
- #include <inttypes.h>
- #include <errno.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <assert.h>
- #define VMAX(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
- struct hls_m3u8_t
- {
- int live;
- int version;
- int64_t seq; // m3u8 sequence number (base 0)
- int64_t duration;// target duration
- size_t count;
- struct list_head root;
- char* ext_x_map;
- };
- struct hls_segment_t
- {
- struct list_head link;
- int64_t pts; // present timestamp (millisecond)
- int64_t duration; // segment duration (millisecond)
- int64_t offset; // EXT-X-BYTERANGE offset: a byte offset from the beginning of the resource
- int64_t bytes; // EXT-X-BYTERANGE length
- int discontinuity; // EXT-X-DISCONTINUITY flag
- char* name;
- size_t capacity;
- };
- struct hls_m3u8_t* hls_m3u8_create(int live, int version)
- {
- struct hls_m3u8_t* m3u8;
- m3u8 = (struct hls_m3u8_t*)calloc(1, sizeof(*m3u8));
- if (NULL == m3u8)
- return NULL;
- assert(0 == live || live >= HLS_LIVE_NUM);
- m3u8->version = version;
- m3u8->live = live;
- m3u8->seq = 0;
- m3u8->count = 0;
- m3u8->duration = 0;
- LIST_INIT_HEAD(&m3u8->root);
- return m3u8;
- }
- void hls_m3u8_destroy(struct hls_m3u8_t* m3u8)
- {
- struct list_head* l, *n;
- struct hls_segment_t* seg;
- list_for_each_safe(l, n, &m3u8->root)
- {
- seg = list_entry(l, struct hls_segment_t, link);
- free(seg);
- }
- if (m3u8->ext_x_map)
- free(m3u8->ext_x_map);
- free(m3u8);
- }
- static struct hls_segment_t* hls_segment_alloc(size_t bytes)
- {
- struct hls_segment_t* seg;
- seg = (struct hls_segment_t*)malloc(sizeof(*seg) + bytes);
- if (seg)
- {
- seg->name = (char*)(seg + 1);
- seg->capacity = bytes;
- seg->offset = 0;
- seg->bytes = 0;
- seg->pts = 0;
- seg->discontinuity = 0;
- }
- return seg;
- }
- int hls_m3u8_add(struct hls_m3u8_t* m3u8, const char* name, int64_t pts, int64_t duration, int discontinuity)
- {
- return hls_m3u8_add_with_offset(m3u8, name, pts, duration, discontinuity, 0, 0);
- }
- int hls_m3u8_add_with_offset(hls_m3u8_t* m3u8, const char* name, int64_t pts, int64_t duration, int discontinuity, int64_t offset, int64_t bytes)
- {
- size_t r;
- struct hls_segment_t* seg;
- seg = NULL;
- r = strlen(name);
- if (0 != m3u8->live && m3u8->count >= (size_t)m3u8->live)
- {
- assert(m3u8->count == (size_t)m3u8->live);
- ++m3u8->seq; // update EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE
- // reuse the first segment
- seg = list_entry(m3u8->root.next, struct hls_segment_t, link);
- list_remove(&seg->link);
- // check name length
- if (r + 1 > seg->capacity)
- {
- free(seg);
- seg = NULL;
- --m3u8->count;
- }
- }
- if (NULL == seg)
- {
- // reserve more space for reuse segment
- seg = hls_segment_alloc(r + (m3u8->live ? 16 : 1));
- if (!seg)
- return -ENOMEM;
- ++m3u8->count;
- }
- m3u8->duration = VMAX(m3u8->duration, duration);
- // segment
- seg->pts = pts;
- seg->bytes = bytes;
- seg->offset = offset;
- seg->duration = duration;
- seg->discontinuity = discontinuity; // EXT-X-DISCONTINUITY
- memcpy(seg->name, name, r + 1); // copy last '\0'
- list_insert_after(&seg->link, m3u8->root.prev);
- return 0;
- }
- int hls_m3u8_set_x_map(hls_m3u8_t* m3u8, const char* name)
- {
- if (m3u8->ext_x_map)
- free(m3u8->ext_x_map);
- m3u8->ext_x_map = name ? strdup(name) : NULL;
- return m3u8->ext_x_map ? 0 : -ENOMEM;
- }
- size_t hls_m3u8_count(struct hls_m3u8_t* m3u8)
- {
- return m3u8->count;
- }
- int hls_m3u8_playlist(struct hls_m3u8_t* m3u8, int eof, char* playlist, size_t bytes)
- {
- int r;
- size_t n;
- struct list_head* link;
- struct hls_segment_t* seg;
- r = snprintf(playlist, bytes,
- "#EXTM3U\n" // MUST
- "#EXT-X-VERSION:%d\n" // Optional
- "#EXT-X-TARGETDURATION:%" PRId64 "\n" // MUST, decimal-integer, in seconds
- m3u8->version,
- (m3u8->duration + 999) / 1000,
- m3u8->seq,
- m3u8->live ? "" : "#EXT-X-PLAYLIST-TYPE:VOD\n",
- m3u8->live ? "" : "#EXT-X-ALLOW-CACHE:YES\n");
- if (r <= 0 || (size_t)r >= bytes)
- return -ENOMEM;
- // #EXT-X-MAP:URI="main.mp4",BYTERANGE="1206@0"
- if (m3u8->ext_x_map)
- r += snprintf(playlist + r, r < bytes ? bytes - r : 0, "#EXT-X-MAP:URI=\"%s\",\n", m3u8->ext_x_map);
- n = r;
- list_for_each(link, &m3u8->root)
- {
- if (bytes <= n)
- break;
- seg = list_entry(link, struct hls_segment_t, link);
- if (seg->discontinuity)
- n += snprintf(playlist + n, n < bytes ? bytes - n : 0, "#EXT-X-DISCONTINUITY\n");
- if (bytes > n)
- {
- if(seg->bytes > 0)
- n += snprintf(playlist + n, n < bytes ? bytes - n : 0, "#EXTINF:%.3f,\n#EXT-X-BYTERANGE:%"PRIu64"@%"PRIu64"\n%s\n", seg->duration / 1000.0, seg->bytes, seg->offset, seg->name);
- else
- n += snprintf(playlist + n, n < bytes ? bytes - n : 0, "#EXTINF:%.3f,\n%s\n", seg->duration / 1000.0, seg->name);
- }
- }
- if (eof && bytes > n + 15)
- n += snprintf(playlist + n, n < bytes ? bytes - n : 0, "#EXT-X-ENDLIST\n");
- return (bytes > n && n > 0) ? 0 : -ENOMEM;
- }