#ifndef _dash_parser_h_ #define _dash_parser_h_ #include "dash-proto.h" #include #include #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif enum { DASH_SEGMENT_NONE = 0, DASH_SEGMENT_BASE, DASH_SEGMENT_LIST, DASH_SEGMENT_TEMPLATE, }; // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6838 enum { DASH_MEDIA_UNKNOWN, DASH_MEDIA_FONT, // font DASH_MEDIA_TEXT, // text DASH_MEDIA_IMAGE, // image DASH_MEDIA_AUDIO, // audio DASH_MEDIA_VIDEO, // video DASH_MEDIA_APPLICATION, // application }; // Template-based Segment URL construction // @media, @index, @initialization, @bitstreamSwitching // 1. Either $Number$ or $Time$ may be used but not both at the same time. // 2. $SubNumber$ shall only be present if either $Number$ or $Time$ are present as well enum { DASH_TEMPLATE_UNKNOWN, DASH_TEMPLATE_REPRESENTATIONID, // Representation@id DASH_TEMPLATE_NUMBER, DASH_TEMPLATE_BANDWIDTH, // Representation@bandwidth DASH_TEMPLATE_TIME, // SegmentTimeline@t DASH_TEMPLATE_SUBNUMBER, }; enum { DASH_SCAN_UNKNOWN = 0, DASH_SCAN_PROGRESSIVE, DASH_SCAN_INTERLACED, }; struct dash_urltype_t { char* source_url; char* range; }; // BaseURL struct dash_url_t { size_t count; struct { char* uri; char* service_location; char* byte_range; double availability_time_offset; int availability_time_complete; // boolean } *urls; }; struct dash_event_t { uint64_t presentation_time; uint64_t duration; unsigned int id; char* message_data; }; struct dash_event_stream_t { char* href; char* actuate; // default: onRequest char* scheme_id_uri; // SchemeIdUri char* value; unsigned int timescale; size_t event_count; struct dash_event_t* events; }; struct dash_label_t { size_t count; struct { char* label; unsigned int id; char* lang; }*labels; }; struct dash_program_information_t { char* lang; char* more_information; char* title; char* source; char* copyright; }; struct dash_descriptor_t { size_t count; struct { char* scheme_uri; char* value; char* id; }* descs; }; struct dash_metric_t { char* metrics; size_t range_count; struct { int64_t time; int64_t duration; }* ranges; struct dash_descriptor_t reportings; }; struct dash_segment_url_t { char* media; char* media_range; char* index; char* index_range; }; struct dash_segment_timeline_t { size_t count; struct { uint64_t t; uint64_t n; // specifies the Segment number of the first Segment in the series. uint64_t d; // Any @d value shall not exceed the value of MPD@maxSegmentDuration uint64_t k; // default 1 int r; // default 0 }* S; }; struct dash_segment_t { int type; // DASH_SEGMENT_BASE/DASH_SEGMENT_LIST/DASH_SEGMENT_TEMPLATE // segment base unsigned int timescale; uint64_t presentation_time_offset; uint64_t presentation_duration; int64_t time_shift_buffer_depth; char* index_range; int index_range_exact; // 0-false, 1-true double availability_time_offset; int availability_time_complete; struct dash_urltype_t initialization; // Initialization struct dash_urltype_t representation_index; // RepresentationIndex // Multiple segment base uint64_t start_number; // All Segments within this Representation element have the same duration // unless it is the last Segment within the Period, which can be significantly shorter. unsigned int duration; // specifies the constant approximate Segment duration. struct dash_segment_timeline_t segment_timeline; // SegmentTimeline struct dash_urltype_t bitstream_switching; // BitstreamSwitching // segment list char* href; char* actuate; // default: onRequest size_t segment_url_count; struct dash_segment_url_t* segment_urls; // SegmentURL // segment template char* media; char* index; char* initialization_url; // initialization char* bitstream_switching_url; }; struct dash_content_component_t { unsigned int id; char* lang; char* content_type; char* par; char* tag; struct dash_descriptor_t accessibilities; // Accessibility struct dash_descriptor_t roles; // Role struct dash_descriptor_t ratings; // Rating struct dash_descriptor_t viewpoints; // Viewpoint }; struct dash_representation_base_t { char* profiles; unsigned int width; unsigned int height; char* sar; char* frame_rate; char* audio_sampling_rate; char* mime_type; char* segment_profiles; char* codecs; double maxmum_sap_period; char* start_with_sap; double max_playout_rate; int coding_dependency; int scan_type; // progressive, interlaced unsigned int selection_priority; // default 1 int tag; struct dash_descriptor_t frame_packings; // FramePacking struct dash_descriptor_t audio_channel_configurations; // AudioChannelConfiguration struct dash_descriptor_t content_protections; // ContentProtection struct dash_descriptor_t essentials; // EssentialProperty struct dash_descriptor_t supplementals; // SupplementalProperty size_t inband_event_stream_count; struct dash_event_stream_t* inband_event_streams; // InbandEventStream size_t switching_count; struct { unsigned int interval; int type; // media, bitstream } *switchings; // Switching size_t random_access_count; struct { unsigned int interval; int type; // closed, open, gradual int64_t min_buffer_time; unsigned int bandwidth; } *random_accesses; // RandomAccess struct dash_label_t group_labels; // GroupLabel struct dash_label_t labels; // Label }; struct dash_preselection_t { char* id; char* preselection_compoents; char* lang; struct dash_representation_base_t base; struct dash_descriptor_t accessibilities; // Accessibility struct dash_descriptor_t roles; // Role struct dash_descriptor_t ratings; // Rating struct dash_descriptor_t viewpoints; // Viewpoint }; struct dash_subrepresentation_t { unsigned int level; unsigned int dependency_level; unsigned int bandwidth; char* content_component; struct dash_representation_t* parent; struct dash_representation_base_t base; }; struct dash_representation_t { char* id; unsigned int bandwidth; unsigned int quality_ranking; char* dependncy_id; char* association_id; char* association_type; char* media_stream_structure_id; struct dash_adaptation_set_t* parent; struct dash_representation_base_t base; struct dash_url_t base_urls; // BaseURL size_t subrepresentation_count; struct dash_subrepresentation_t* subrepresentations; // SubRepresentation struct dash_segment_t segment; }; struct dash_adaptation_set_t { char* href; char* actuate; // default: onRequest unsigned int id; unsigned int group; char* lang; // und char* content_type; // text/image/audio/video/application/font char* par; // n:m 16:9 unsigned int min_bandwidth; unsigned int max_bandwidth; unsigned int min_width; unsigned int max_width; unsigned int min_height; unsigned int max_height; char* min_framerate; // n/m char* max_framerate; int segment_alignment; // 0-false, 1-true int subsegment_aligment; // 0-false, 1-true int subsegment_start_with_sap; // default 0 int bitstream_switching; // 0-false, 1-true struct dash_period_t* parent; struct dash_representation_base_t base; struct dash_descriptor_t accessibilities; // Accessibility struct dash_descriptor_t roles; // Role struct dash_descriptor_t ratings; // Rating struct dash_descriptor_t viewpoints; // Viewpoint size_t content_component_count; struct dash_content_component_t* content_components; // ContentComponent struct dash_url_t base_urls; // BaseURL struct dash_segment_t segment; size_t representation_count; struct dash_representation_t* representations; // Representation }; struct dash_period_t { char* href; char* actuate; // default: onRequest char* id; int64_t start; // start int64_t duration; // duration int bitstream_switching; // 0-false struct dash_mpd_t* parent; struct dash_url_t base_urls; // BaseURL struct dash_segment_t segment; // SegmentBase/SegmentList/SegmentTemplate struct dash_descriptor_t asset_identifier; // AssetIdentifier size_t event_stream_count; size_t event_stream_capacity; struct dash_event_stream_t* event_streams; // EventStream size_t adaptation_set_count; struct dash_adaptation_set_t* adaptation_sets; // AdaptationSet size_t subset_count; struct { char* contains; char* id; } *subsets; // SubSet struct dash_descriptor_t supplementals; // SupplementalProperty size_t empty_adaptation_set_count; struct dash_adaptation_set_t* empty_adaptation_sets; // EmptyAdaptationSet struct dash_label_t group_labels; // GroupLabel size_t preselection_count; struct dash_preselection_t* preselections; // Preselection }; struct dash_mpd_t { int type; // presentation type: 0-static, 1-dynamic char* id; char* profiles; // profiles char* availability_start_time; char* availability_end_time; char* publish_time; int64_t media_presentation_duration; // mediaPresentationDuration, MPD total duration int64_t minimum_update_period; // minimumUpdatePeriod int64_t min_buffer_time; // minBufferTime int64_t time_shift_buffer_depth; // timeShiftBufferDepth int64_t suggested_presentation_delay; // suggestedPresentationDelay int64_t max_segment_duration; // maxSegmentDuration int64_t max_subsegment_duration; // maxSubsegmentDuration char* xsi; // xmlns:xsi char* xmlns; // xmlns char* schema_location; // xsi:schemaLocation size_t info_count; struct dash_program_information_t* infos; // ProgramInfomation struct dash_url_t urls; // BaseURL size_t location_count; char** locations; // Location size_t period_count; struct dash_period_t* periods; // Period size_t metric_count; struct dash_metric_t* metrics; // Metrics struct dash_descriptor_t essentials; // EssentialProperty struct dash_descriptor_t supplementals; // SupplementalProperty struct dash_descriptor_t timings; // UTCTming }; /// Parse MPD(Media Presentation Description for MPEG-DASH ) manifest file /// @param[out] mpd mpd object(free by dash_mpd_free) /// @return 0-ok, other-error int dash_mpd_parse(struct dash_mpd_t** mpd, const char* data, size_t bytes); int dash_mpd_free(struct dash_mpd_t** mpd); /// @return -1-live, >=0-duration(ms), other-error int64_t dash_get_duration(const struct dash_mpd_t* mpd); /// Period /// location period by time /// @param[in] time from previous period end to current perid end, range: (period-m-end, period-n-end] /// @return >=0-period index, -1-if don't find, other-undefined int dash_period_find(const struct dash_mpd_t* mpd, int64_t time); /// @param[in] media DASH_MEDIA_AUDIO/DASH_MEDIA_VIDEO/xxx /// @param[in] id adaptation set id, 0 if unknown /// @param[in] group adaptation set group id, 0 if unknown /// @param[in] lang adaptation set lang, such as 'en'/'fr', NULL if don't care /// @param[in] codecs adaptation set codec type, such as 'avc1', NULL if don't care /// @return NULL if don't find any adaptation set const struct dash_adaptation_set_t* dash_period_select(const struct dash_period_t* period, int media, unsigned int id, unsigned int group, const char* lang, const char* codecs); /// Adaptation Set /// @return adaptation set media type DASH_MEDIA_AUDIO/DASH_MEDIA_VIDEO, DASH_MEDIA_UNKNOWN if unknown int dash_adaptation_set_media_type(const struct dash_adaptation_set_t* set); /// Priority: 1. selectionPriority; 2. qualityRanking; 3. bandwidth /// @return >=0-representation index, -1-error int dash_adaptation_set_best_representation(const struct dash_adaptation_set_t* set); /// Representation const struct dash_url_t* dash_representation_get_base_url(const struct dash_representation_t* representation); /// Get initialization segment url(MUST use with dash_representation_get_base_url) /// @return >0-ok with url length, =0-don't have initialization segment, <0-error int dash_representation_get_initialization(const struct dash_representation_t* representation, char* url, size_t size); /// Find segment by start time /// @param[in] time segment time, range: (previous segment end, segment start + duration) /// @return -1-not found, >=0-segment item index(index is not the startnumber) int dash_representation_find_segment(const struct dash_representation_t* representation, int64_t time); /// @return <0-error, >=0-segment count(INT_MAX for segment template) int dash_representation_segment_count(const struct dash_representation_t* representation); /// Get segment url(MUST use with dash_representation_get_base_url) /// @param[in] index segment index(!= start number) /// @param[out] number start number of representation /// @param[out] start start time of representation(MUST add period.start) /// @param[out] duration segment duration, 0 if unknown /// @param[out] range url range, NULL if don't have range /// @return >=0-ok with url length, <0-error int dash_representation_segment_url(const struct dash_representation_t* representation, int index, int64_t* number, int64_t* start, int64_t* duration, const char** range, char* url, size_t size); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* !_dash_parser_h_ */